Blog Roundup #14
One of the things I firmly believe in as a young professional is the need to always look for ways to improve yourself. Because of that, I have been a frequent reader of blogs and they have helped me out a lot! Here are some great posts I read this week:Link LoveSo Called Millennial talked about Millennials and narcissism…
Student Loan Update and $805 in Extra Income

Last week I was super sick. Not sure what happened but I was pretty much just crying in pain for 5 days straight. Of course it was a perfect weekend with awesome weather and I had to miss most of that because I didn’t start to feel better until Sunday afternoon! Oh well, just glad that I’m feeling better…
Using a Gift as Part of Your Down Payment

Saving a down payment is one of the hardest parts of buying your first home. In fact, about 25 percent of first-time homebuyers get help with a gift from a relative as part of their down payment. There’s nothing wrong with this, but there are some regulations you need to consider as you plan for the big purchase…
Make sure your wishes come true: Best Bequest Giveaway

Good morning Dinks. We are all working hard, living on less, watching our budget and saving money – but let me ask you a question, what are you saving for? This week I discovered that one of my co-workers – who is married with three kids – does not have a Last Will and Testament. He has a house and a family but he doesn’t have a Will in case something happens to him or his wife…
3 Big Mistakes Couples Make With Money

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.The following is a guest post from CollegeMom at If you are interested in guest posting at Club Thrifty, please see our guest posting guidelines.
One of the biggest mistakes couples make is allowing love to render them financially stupid…
How to Keep Good Records: A Few Basics for the Self Employed

Maybe that short-term contract you signed was extended, or your direct sales business is really taking off. If you suspect that you’ll actually start making some noteworthy cash, it’s time to start getting organized, and prepare yourself for being self employed for real…
Quitting Bad Habits to Save Money

The Joneses are Probably Broke

“Don’t buy things you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t like.” ~ Dave Ramsey
My wife and I went to a kick-ass party last night. The hosts’ home was gorgeous; thousands of square feet filled with all the best furniture and stuff money can buy…
Binary options – How reliable is 24Option?
You must have heard about a number of binary option trading platforms and 24Option is one of them that have earned a good reputation in this field over the years. However, we also know that just as there are a number of such trading platforms, the number of traders in this market is even more, … Continue Reading »
Should I Buy a Rental Property as an Investment

Credit Fraud Alerts Work A Bit Too Well

Remember a couple months ago when I thought I was dealing with a little bit of credit card fraud that actually turned into identity theft? Well… when that happened I immediately put a fraud alert on my credit report…
Weekly Round-Up: A Hard Weekend
This weekend has been a tough one. As I noted on noted on Friday, there is quite a bit of stress and worry on my wife Sondra’s side of the family right now, at they wonder how things will end up working out for her grandmother. There’s not much I can really do to make Sondra feel better, unfortunately; no matter how much I’d love to make her laugh and smile again, it’s going to take some time until everything has been resolved (and given the likely resolution, probably some time after that for her to recover)…
Did Your Degree Come With a Course on Student Loans?
Last month I was reading an article on NPR that related to student loans and the somewhat, albeit small, changing awareness surrounding them. On a side note, if you’re looking for a good source for a balanced perspective on news then I highly encourage you explore NPR. Back to the topic, this article stuck out to me as it was mentioning how students are starting, on some level, to ask more questions and make more informed decisions in regards to signing the dotted line on their student loans…
Sometimes I Don’t Play Nice: Killing My Debt

I’m a nice girl (most of the time) and my mother taught me to play nice with others and hold my tongue when I have nothing nice to say. But it’s hard to talk when you’re holding your tongue and sometimes my inner mean girl is just dying to bust out.
This often gets me in trouble. Other times it’s incredibly helpful…