Credit cards tend to get a bad wrap. When used responsibly they are actually extremely valuable and can be used to save you a lot of money on items that you already buy. There are however still several factors that you want to look at before committing to one credit card. With over 1,000 credit cards offered in the United States, the task can be overwhelming. Here are some quick tips that will help you find the credit card that fits your needs.
Before shopping for a credit card the first order of business is determine what the card will be used for and if you are able to pay off the full balance monthly or not. If they goal is to pay off the balance monthly, a rewards card is the best option for you. If not, finding a card with the lowest possible interest rate is key.
The next best advice in choosing a credit card is to read the fine print. Advertisement and promotional products are meant to reel you in, but sometimes the hidden conditions aren’t as glamorous as advertised. This is especially the case if your credit score is not up to par. Credit card companies are known to offer an extremely low rate in advertising with the small print contingency that rates are based on your credit score. It is a good idea to check your credit score before applying for any type of credit so that you know what to expect. This also gives you the opportunity to improve your credit score which can make all the difference when applying for credit.
If you already have a credit card and are looking at other options it is always an option to negotiate better rates on your current card. If your credit score is good and you carry a rate over 14%, a quick call to your credit card company may be worth it. It is quite possible that they will lower your APR in order to keep you. Otherwise, you can transfer your credit to another more appealing credit card with better rewards and rates. This is especially beneficial with credit cards that offering 0% interest rates on balance transfers. It is important to remember that this 0% rate is usually only for a few months and then the rate jumps up.
If your credit score is too low but you are financially responsible enough to handle debt, you may consider a secured card. A security deposit is required on these and doubles as your credit limit. However, this is a great way to build your credit worthiness as long as the credit card reports to one of the three major bureaus.
If your goal is to find a credit card that offers the best rewards on items you already buy, the internet provides as a great tool to locate these cards. It is a good idea to determine what you spend the most money on and find a card that caters to these expenses. If you are extremely comfortable in your ability to budget and control spending, credit card churning is a great option. This allows you to use two cards in order to take advantage of different rewards as well as time your purchases and payment dates to allow for the longest time period for repayment.
I recently got a Chase Sapphire preferred card before heading out on a trip to Europe, mainly because it didn’t have that irratating transaction fee attached to it. That and the sign-up bonus was quite nice, and the spend was easily covered while we were abroad.
Definitely take into account potential changes to spending behavior in the future–always a pain to switch or add credit cards.