Calvin February 2013 Net Worth

What the Heck is the Alternative Minimum Tax?

Our country has a decades-long history of trying to make sure that high earners pay what is considered their fair share in taxes.
However, a long list of deductions is available, which allows many wealthier people to reduce what they pay in taxes. In order to reduce the deduction loopholes, another method of figuring tax — the alternative minimum tax (AMT) — was introduced…
Nook HD Giveaway! Courtesy of 🙂

Hidey ho! Got another awesome giveaway for y’all today, this time by my friend Ryan Bales from – a person I’ve met and drank beers with a number of times now over the years 🙂 A great (and very SMART) guy at that, too – as evidence of his new company connecting people to the best coupons and offers from the stores they *actually shop at*, haha… Imagine that?
You’ll find more info about Bync here below, and then below that your entry methods to win this week’s Nook HD giveaway…
Save Money By Checking the Energy Star Ratings on New Appliances

5 Home Maintenance Projects to Save You Money

A Debt Coach Success Story: Stephanie

This is an update on the Debt Coaching assignment with Stephanie, who’s been paired with Jeff and Robin Ehrlich from Debt Free Squad.
Debt Coach Success Story
My husband and I have been living a pretty much normal lifestyle…
Does a “Savings Club” Account Work?
My local bank offers an interesting account each year. It starts on the first Saturday in January and the deal is that if you deposit the same amount each week for 49 weeks, they will make the 50th deposit for you and give you the money at the end of the year just before Christmas. You can’t take the money out of the account and if you miss any payments you don’t get the free 50th payment but they do set it up so you can pay in automatically out of your checking account…
Money Quickies

So You’ve Been in a (Minor) Car Accident. Now What?

Today’s Deals: First Aid, G.I. Joe, and ‘Free’ Guacamole

Getting your Finances under Control in 2013

Don’t Let Resolution Fatigue Win

You still remember those New Year’s resolutions to spend less so you can invest more, right? You’ve kept a tight leash on your finances, holding off on buying new clothes, and throwing away all those catalogs you receive in the mail without even opening them…
Frugal Factors: What Traits Do Most Savers Share?

As I get older, I’ve find myself more and more inclined to spend time with those who share my views on frugality, simple living, and saving. It seems as my age increases, so does my resolve to be quite open about my frugal ways. I guess that’s either drawn like-minded folks toward me, or repelled others — perhaps it’s done a bit of both simultaneously…
5 Challenges of Living Abroad

I’ve often watched the show House Hunters International and dreamed about moving abroad for a season in my life. Whether it be for work, volunteer/mission work, or simply to drop everything and go on an adventure with my wife, it has always been something that sounds appealing to me.
If you think about moving abroad enough, you eventually start thinking about the flip side: all the challenges of living abroad…
5 Pills of Debt Advice from The Matrix

Here, take these five pills of debt advice from the movie The Matrix.Stopping bullets with your mind is no easy feat. It took Neo quite a while to hack the laws of a computer program called “The Matrix” in order to achieve that outcome…
The One Thing I Didn’t Think About When I Got Married

They talk about how much money you need to have saved up before you buy a house. They caution you to have a huge emergency fund before you have a baby. And marriage! Oy! You better think twice before you join accounts or take on your fiancé’s debt! That could mean bad news for you, they say…
6 Questions to Ask Before a Career Change

1. Am I really ready for a career change?
Before you make the leap, ask yourself if you are truly ready to completely change careers…
I’m off to grow a giant pumpkin!
Wine is a Better Investment than Stocks

If you’ve ever been to one of those parties, I hope you didn’t show up empty handed…
Retirement Expectations Versus Reality
A recent BlackRock and Boston Research Group poll of 1,002 workers with retirement accounts at work and 1,035 retirees who previously participated in a 401k or similar type of retirement plan found that workers are expecting to pay for and experience retirement in a way that contrasts with the lifestyle of current retirees…