Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office.
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An interview with Sandeep Baliga and Jeff Ely, professors at the Kellogg School of Management and Northwestern University. For more, see The Power of Purple Pricing.
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A written transcript will be available by June 14.
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At StartupNation, one of the topics we are obsessed with is business communication. How businesses communicate with clients or their employees, what technology they use, strategies that work or don’t work… the topic is broad but exceptionally important. This blog post is the beginning of a series that we will be doing on business communication, so stay tuned…
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As I’ve been searching for inspiration to add to my blog. I ended up searching Google and found some interesting things about record keeping for small businesses. Firstly I can tell you there is heaps of advice on how to manage your financial records for tax purposes. Just type in “small business record keeping” and…
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After hitting it big with a viral marketing video last year, Dollar Shave Club launches a new video for its latest product: a flushable ‘butt wipe’ for men. Can lightning strike twice in the men’s bathroom products business?
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More than one in 10 Americans were developing their own business in 2012, according to the U.S. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor released today. Here’s a look at the demographics of the community.
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What happens when your company’s business model doesn’t necessarily jive with local law? You go on the offensive. Companies in the “sharing economy” space are doing just that.Some of the fastest-growing comanies in Silicon Valley have capitalized on the idea of collaborative consumption and asset sharing…
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Even the most careful company will have an occasional customer who is unable or, for whatever reason, refuses to pay money owed the firm. It might be someone with a long history with the company or someone with no track record at all. Either way, it’s important for the business to collect the money that it is owed…
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Finding the advertising strategy which works best for your business is a lot tougher than it might appear at first. There are plenty of ways of wasting your time when you try to do this. Here are a few of the most common ones to avoid which you should be aware of.
Choosing the Wrong Target Markets
If you don’t already have a clear idea in your head of who your target market is then this is something that you need to do before you go ahead and spend money on marketing…
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Medical marijuana is legal in 18 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. But entering the business can be tricky, since it’s still a federal crime to grow, sell or possess marijuana.
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