NAR Invests in 6 Startups Through REach Accelerator Program

I bet you did not know that the National Association of Realtors (NAR) runs an accelerator program for new startups through their Second Century Ventures fund, did you? I didn’t until this week, but it is a concept worth exploring.
Innovation through technology has been an important driver in the real estate industry, and needs to be supported…
March Update
12 Sneaky Ways to Ninja-Proof Your House

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By Movoto
Ninja: Masters of stealth, skilled assassins… threat to your home? While the lords of feudal Japan recognized the danger these highly trained experts in espionage could pose to their castles, very few modern home owners realize just how vulnerable their “castles” could be to infiltration by ninja…
New Home Sales Took a Tumble in February

Sales of new U.S. single-family homes fell more than expected in February after hefty gains the previous month, but steady gains in home prices suggested the housing market recovery remains intact. The Commerce Department said on Tuesday sales dropped 4.6 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 411,000 units…
30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Up Slightly

The 30-year fixed mortgage rate hovered between 3.44 and 3.5 percent for the majority of the week, dropping to the current rate this morning…
Relocation Inquiries & Strategies
Do you have very specific digital “relocation” packages you send to relocation inquires you get from your networks?
Anyone have physical relocation packages you send in the mail?
Do you have a specific funnel you try to work your relocation leads through?
What sort of feedback do you get to help you understand whether your information is valuable or not? How do you know whether anyone even looks at it?
Where do most of your relocation inquiries come from? Existing friends? Relocation groups? Facebook? SEO traffic? Other?
Any other thoughts, questions, strategies, learnings, or feedback would be appreciated…
The Importance of Doing Regular Inspections on Your Property

Real estate investors that are seasoned landlords or property managers know how important it is to do regular inspections on their property.
If you aren’t in this first group then there’s also a good chance that you are one of the unlucky ones that found out the “hard way” that you should be doing regular property inspections…