If you’re a regular reader of Get Rich Slowly, you are focused on getting out of debt, saving, retirement goals – all of those money issues we all deal with. But at what point would you or do you feel financially secure? I think my own sense of financial security came once I had paid off all of my debts (excluding my mortgage) and had enough money to save a chunk each month…
We have made it through the RRSP and Tax deadlines, phew! If you have not filed and paid your taxes by now and still owe, you are in trouble! For most of us the hectic time of the year has ended, no more running around and finding receipts and T forms. If you are getting a tax returned, consider investing part of it and use the rest to splurge!
Let’s look at the Top 4 articles on Financial Highway over the last few weeks…
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– consumerismcommentary.com/

American culture has long promoted the idea that home ownership is key to the fulfilling middle-class lifestyle. You can be sure the National Association of Realtors will continue to do its darnedest to keep this interpretation of the American Dream alive; whether you’re buying or selling, it’s always a good time for Realtors to earn their livings…
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A Montana man who was told — incorrectly — that he was dying of cancer and had less than six months to live was awarded $59,820 in a lawsuit filed in federal court, the Helena Independent Record says.Mark Templin was misdiagnosed at the Fort Harrison VA Medical Center near Helena, Mont.The IR said:Read 9 remaining paragraphs on MoneyTalksNews…
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Will your retirement look like this?
In today’s edition, we take a look at life after retirement. Many people look forward to retirement as a time to relax, travel, and be your own boss. It is a goal you work toward your entire adult life and something to enjoy.
However, for many retirees, coming home from work and never going back leaves them feeling unfulfilled and bored…
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When it’s time for summer vacation, smart students know that it isn’t a time to lay around and waste a few months, but rather the time to find a job. At least a job to help you make it through the summer or maybe help cover some college bills. Sure, being a high school or college student means you spend most of the year studying and having fun while you can all summer would be great, there’s something to be said for those who go out there and work instead…
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I often meet up with a good friend of mine that I’ll call Dave.
You rarely see Dave without his trusty bottle of Powerade at his side. He seems to thrive on the stuff. He’s as thin as a rail and doesn’t seem to eat too much, so I guess he uses it as some kind of special “Dave fuel…
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If you ever run into me at a social gathering, don’t get me started taking about credit cards because I might never stop. After a few minutes speaking about some of the great reward credit cards available, I am often interrupted by a single question — “Which one is the best?” I have participated in this conversation so often that I now just blurt out “Starwood” before you can complete your sentence…
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Hi! Welcome to the Budget Blonde weekly writing wrap up (say that three times fast!) I hope everyone had a great week. Here’s what’s been happening over here:
Grenada/Life/Blog Update
The website got a little facelift – not a full fledged 8 hour surgery type facelift – just a little tweak here and there…
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A few weeks ago, I heard a story – Unfit For Work on This American Life and it’s quite startling. Do you know there are 14 million people currently on the disability program? People on disability are not counted in the unemployment rate because they are not part of the workforce. You can read more and listen to the story by following the link above…
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– canadianfinanceblog.com
This week Boomer and Echo answered a question we all have: How Much of Your Income Should You Save?
In case you haven’t already spent your tax refund, Million Dollar Journey listed out their 7 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund.
The Canadian Couch Potato did some demystifying this week with their post on ETF Dividend Dates Explained…
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Growing up my grandpa always used to say “the best way to learn, is to read.” And while I didn’t really listen to him way back then (unless you count photo books? ;)), I’ll admit he was on to something there. Only I’ve come to think of it as, “the best way to learn, is to read SOMETHING THAT INTERESTS YOU!”
That probably sounds like common sense to most of you, but back as a kid I never caught on to it…
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The two week vacation to Hawaii was perfect except for one thing. My financial advisor from Citibank failed to call me the day a particular deal was closing as previously discussed. This investment offered between a 15% to 20% guaranteed return on the Dow Jones over four years if the Dow closes above the initial strike price plus any upside beyond the guarantee and a 10% downside buffer…
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The following is the latest post in my “Reader Profiles” series. Each post in this series details the financial situation and challenges of an FMF reader. The purpose of this series is to help us all identify with people like us (in similar situations — not all will be, of course, but eventually I’m sure you will find someone like you here), get to know the frequent commenters on the site, and hear some financial wisdom/challenges from people other than me…
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More than a decade ago, my hair was falling out, weight was dropping off of me, and I had serious gastrointestinal distress. I was afraid that I was dying. I’d been to every doctor I could find to try to figure out why my stomach was in constant pain. No conventional doctor could find anything wrong […
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Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway roundup! Every single Friday we post giveaways ending within the next week. If you want to make sure you never miss one of these posts be sure to subscribe via RSS or Email.
Happy Friday everyone! Garage sales and careers dominated the blog this week. We have a garage sale coming up on June 1st…
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College has become something of a Catch-22 for students. It’s impossible to secure even a mediocre job without a college degree, but the constantly spiraling costs of education make it nearly impossible to pay for that necessary degree.
For parents of students, it can be tempting to try to help out — by cosigning a loan, taking out a Parent PLUS loan, or even paying off a child’s individual student loan…
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Happy Friday Everyone. Hope you have had a good week. Mine has been busy but a good busy and love is the air. I have been helping a good friend with some wedding planning, so her and her fiance came over for dinner on Monday and we got busy with “spreadsheeting”. I must say we did quite well…
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There are different times when you should refinance your mortgage loan, but contrary to popular belief lower interest rates are not the only reason. Sure, when interest rates hit new lows millions of homeowners flock to refinance their homes. But there are also times when you should refinance when rate is not the driving force…
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