20 of the Best Checking Account Promotions and Deals
– doughroller.net

With a little bit of research, we came up with what I believe are the 20 best checking account deals and promotions you’ll find anywhere…
How to Deal With Your Finances
– weonlydothisonce.com

That’s not to say that I don’t have payments and bills and unexpected expenses. It’s because I have focused hard on getting out of debt for the last 2 years — and these days, I am almost debt-free and worry little about finances…
Financial Independence Day
– eyesonthedollar.com

Calculating total annual returns
– myfijourney.com

10 Cheap (and Free) Ways to Enjoy the Fourth of July Weekend
– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/

Working Toward Financial Independence Is A Long Road
– debtroundup.com

On the theme of independence, I want to talk a little about financial independence…
Is your personal info safe with your bank?
– dinksfinance.com

Happy Fourth of July!
– makingsenseofcents.com

Happy Fourth of July everyone! I think we are having a small get together/BBQ at our house, and then going to watch fireworks tonight. Should be fun of course. I have today and tomorrow off, and that’s always nice! W has to work both today and tomorrow, so I do feel bad for him.
Don’t forget to read $10,192 in June Extra Income – Side Hustles!, my latest monthly income report, if you haven’t yet…
What Financial Independence Means to Me
– frugalrules.com
Happy 4th of July eve everyone! When my blogging pal Pauline asked some of us to write a post on financial independence in light of the Holiday upcoming I jumped at the chance. Before I get started on my thoughts regarding financial independence, Pauline will be hosting a carnival tomorrow highlighting other posts like mine…
Store Savings Cards – Loyal? Or Nuts?
– studentdebtsurvivor.com

I mean seriously! Have you counted the number of store savings cards on your key chain recently? After I took the photo of my key chain I counted all of those little pieces of plastic. Total number, 22! I don’t even shop at most of them in any given year, so how I ended up with so many I have no idea…
My Day in Small Claims Court
– edwardantrobus.com
photo courtesy of http://www.courts.state.co.us/
On Monday, I mentioned that I had to appear in court for a debt I was already paying. I had intended to write about the experience with tips if you ever found yourself in a similar situation. Well, good news, bad news situation. Bad news: I can’t write that post…
On Monday, I mentioned that I had to appear in court for a debt I was already paying. I had intended to write about the experience with tips if you ever found yourself in a similar situation. Well, good news, bad news situation. Bad news: I can’t write that post…
I’m a Landlord! The Townhouse Is Now Rented!
– moneylifeandmore.com

Political Correctness in the Workplace
– clubthrifty.com

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Please enjoy this post from new staff writer, Mitchell Pauly. Mitchell is the owner and head writer at Snark Finance…the only blog I know of that manages to make personal finance offensive on a daily basis.
There is no “I” in TEAM!
The workplace is no place for offensiveness, like West Virginia is no place for rhymes with “blues” and “acts”…
How Much Should You Spend on a One Year Old’s Birthday Party?
– ayoungpro.com
Today’s post will be a something a little bit different from me. I am really interested in getting your opinion about this topic. One ofThe post How Much Should You Spend on a One Year Old’s Birthday Party? appeared first on .
Budgeting Done Right: How New Couples Can Figure Out Finances
– doablefinance.com
When couples begin their shared journey, common misconceptions about finances can set them back. People who were successful managers of their personal finances while single often believe that this success will simply continue into their next phase of life. Combining finances can be a tricky business, and when just starting out, it is important to …