February 2013 Goals and Finance Update
– retireby40.org/

2013 Financial Goals: No progress in February. It’s a bit disappointing because we did so well in January by maxing out the IRA and setting up Mrs. RB40′s 401(k).
2013 Personal Goals: I tried several new beers in Feb. and met up with local bloggers for a drink…
White House Supports Unlockable Cell Phones
– moneytalksnews.com

Shoeboxed Review-Tracking & Organizing Receipts Made Easy!
– financialhighway.com/
If you’re like me, it can be almost impossible to keep track of your receipts. You put them in a desk drawer or in your wallet only to not be able to find them when you need them. You may never have heard of Shoeboxed, but it is a website that keeps track of your receipts for you. In this Shoeboxed review we will show you how it can make life easier…

Join our Tweetchat this Thursday at 12:00 pm Pacific for lively conversation and a chance to win prizes! Use #WBChat to participate.
This week’s topic: How to Save on Pets! Learn about saving on food, boarding, and vet bills! Share your favorite tips to save on pets!
For an easy way to keep track of the conversation, try using our special Tweetchat Chatroom…
Energy Efficiency Programs/Financial Incentives – Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador
– milliondollarjourney.com
Alberta: SunRidge BuiltGreen Homeowner Rebate, Lethbridge
SunRidge Built GreenTM is a voluntary program that promotes sustainability by using building practices that reduce impact of the building on the environment…
Why I am reconsidering getting my MBA
– youngadultmoney.com/

When it comes to getting a Master of Business Administration (MBA) there are a number of things to take into consideration. This ranges from career goals, family/spouse considerations, personal finance situations, and how much time you are willing to sacrifice in pursuit of your MBA.
Recently a friend at work pretty much said he’s pretty much for sure going to get his MBA through a part-time program…
Net Worth: March 2013
– punchdebtintheface.com

It’s always a good month when the stock market hits an all time high. I graduated college in May 2007, just a few short months before the economy took a dump. It sucked watching some of my first 401K and Roth IRA contributions drop significantly in value, but if you stay the course, things always seem to turn around…
Why You Don’t Feel Wealthy With Stocks At Record Highs
– financialsamurai.com
20 Simple Ways to Live a Healthy, Happy Life
– moneycrashers.com
Web Based Passive Income Versus a Web Based Revenue Stream; They Are Very Different Animals
– moneyinfant.com
Barclays Online Savings Review
– consumerismcommentary.com/

Capital One 360 Savings Review
– ptmoney.com

I’m a big fan of online savings accounts, both for their higher interest paid and their ability to be a separate place to save your money.
Capital One 360 Savings Review
I’ve been saving my money with Capital One 360 Savings (formerly ING Direct Orange Savings) since at least 2007…
Tips for Filling Out a Loan Application: What Are Providers Looking For?
– moneylicious.org/

Intimidation, thy name is “Loan Application!”
Trying to get a business loan for your small business can be a nerve-wracking process. You want to present yourself in a manner that proves that you are exactly what your loan officer wants to see…
Play hooky for money
– getrichslowly.org/blog
Yes, You CAN Save Money on Gas
– moneyning.com/

My mom and I were discussing the price of gas the other day. I told her that I’d just paid $3.96 a gallon; I was shocked that the price was so high and wasn’t happy about spending $50 to fill up my car. Her response was, “I never really worry about the price of gas — what will I do? Not buy it?”
This is an interesting topic to address…
The Health Care Cost Article Every American Should Read
– 20somethingfinance.com/

There is an epic battle going on between health care providers and insurers…
Internet Will Name Baby For $5,000, Haha…
– budgetsaresexy.com/

Just when you thought there were no more ways to make extra money 🙂 I love it…
Here’s the article about it on Today.com: Mom defends $5,000 payoff for baby name rights. In a nut shell, a mother-to-be will receive $5,000 for allowing people online to vote for her son’s/daughter’s name – which is somehow backed by sponsors of the contest (I don’t think a name could be “Coca-Cola” or anything…)…
Paying Off Student Loans With NerdWallet.com {Google Hangout Replay}
– debtmovement.com/blog/
with Joseph Audette
VP of Education, NerdScholar at NerdWallet.com (education@nerdwallet.com)
Student Loan Q&A
Can a monthly student loan payments be lowered? Especially due to financial hardship?
There are several programs available, and you should always contact your loan servicer to see what might be available to you:
Deferment postpones your loan payments on the principal (and interest for certain subsidized loans) for economic hardship, unemployment, or if you go back to school, for example, graduate school…
Paying For Poor Customer Service
– canadianfinanceblog.com

The Strength of Your Safety Net
– thesimepledollar.com
We balance ourselves on that high wire and attempt to walk through life. We’re carrying a lot of weight to make the balancing act even trickier – children, marriage, and other responsibilities.
Eventually, something happens and we fall…
5 Things You Can Learn from Your Tax Return
– moneysmartlife.com

FMF March Money Madness, Round 1, Posts 45-48
– freemoneyfinance.com