Shout Out Saturday #10
Happy Saturday everyone! Today is the first weekend of spring! One would think with it being spring that warmer temperatures would be awaiting us and that we could get started on working outdoors and get the ball rolling on gardening for the year. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. As I am writing this on Thursday morning, the weather forecasts are calling for the potential of six to ten inches of snow! You read that right, six to ten inches…
Eyes on the Dollar 20/20 Roundup #31- Good Things

I am really happy to see this weekend. It seems like my whole family has been battling one illness or another for a few weeks now, but I hope we’re all on the mend. My daughter is in spring cleaning mode, as she labeled all of our bathroom drawers this week!
I’m almost afraid to put it in writing, but it looks like the first part of my business sale is set to close next Friday the 29th, which also happens to be my daughter’s birthday…
Marshalls "My Fabulous Found" Blogger Challenge, Plus A Giveaway!

Earlier this week, I headed off to Marshalls with a giftcard courtesy of the brand to track down my top spring trends and share my fab finds. It took a little digging but I managed to scout out lots of great fashions and home decor items. I ended up buying a designer polka-dot blazer (above) for just $24…
Are Big Banks Now Engaging In Payday Lending?

What’s The Essence Of Insurance – My Simple Explanation
The other day, my 20-year old son asked me what insurance premium was. Here is my simple explanation. I dedicate this post to the newest of the new folks who have little or no knowledge of what insurance premium is and how the insurance policy works. Let’s understand the essence of insurance. What’s involved in …
Good things coming….
MCB is definitely in its infancy, and because of that I’m still trying to find the right direction for this website. I love the ability to share with others my adventures as a collector. But I also want you to get something out of the few minutes you spend here. So in the near future, I’m going to start adding some more “experienced contributors…
Insourcing vs Outsourcing

Personal Finance Round Up, Mentions and Carnivals #48

The following are some of my favorite posts from around the personal finance blogosphere this week. Make sure to check them out if you’re looking for some great reading material.
The Free Financial Advisor let’s us know It’s Time To Stop Acting Like an Ostrich… O RLY? If you’re curious, I suggest you click to find out what he’s talking about!
Afford Anything analyzes a highly emotional topic in the personal finance world, Pay Down Your Mortgage or Invest in the Stock Market?
My Journey to Millions has a very legitimate reason Why He Hates His 401(k)…
Secrets to Success: LinkedIn Edition

I have talked at length about how important face-to-face networking is (here and here), but I haven’t talked too much about LinkedIn. This is not because I don’t find value in LinkedIn, I just happen to think face-to-face networking is more valuable in most cases…
Hospital Bill and Crazy Insurance
I kept getting this call from a strange 877 number during the day. Since I am at school or busy I never answered it and it always went to voicemail. For some reason the caller would hang up and I … Continue reading →The post Hospital Bill and Crazy Insurance appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
When Bankruptcy Makes Sense: Infographic

Ten days of nothing but juice