– canadianfinanceblog.com

The majority of content that is on personal finance blogs is about the frugality portion of personal finances. The reality is, there are two major factors when it comes to your net worth. The main tenant we all should be concerned about is if we’re spending less than we’re making. Money comes in, money goes out, so as long as you’re spending less than you are making, your net worth will start to grow, and your finance security will stabilize…
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Throughout the many cultures of humankind, there have always been strong frameworks that people have used with which to frame their life.
Parents have often been this source for people throughout history. Countless people have attempted to guide themselves along the same paths that their parents followed, having seen quite closely the value of those paths…
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Last week while coming home from a trip to Yellowstone with 100 other passengers in a 5 hour flight from Denver to Ft. Lauderdale. I was thinking what should I be doing there. The idea for this post came to my mind then and there. I watched people doing all sorts of things on flight and made mental notes of the things I thought were interesting…
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The following is a post by community regular JayCeezy who was able to successfully retire from his job with a healthy severance package. The post highlights the bitter sweet peculiarities of leaving one’s job of so many years. A large part of you will scream to hold on to what you know. But deep down it’s clear there’s nothing promising left and it’s time to go…
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Mindfulness is something that has tripped me up in the past. However, I’ve found that as I pay attention to what I’m actually doing, I make better decisions.
You might be surprised at how you can improve various areas of your life when you practice greater mindfulness:
One of the biggest changes I noticed in my life came after I began paying better attention to what I was eating…
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When I travel, I like to stay connected (unless I’m camping; then I want to be left alone). As a result, I make it a point to look for ways to access the Internet when I’m out of town. This is very important, since my entire livelihood depends on Internet access.
If you are traveling – even if you are traveling internationally – there are some ways to get affordable Internet access while you are on vacation:
Consider Where You Stay
I almost always stay somewhere with Internet access…
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Are you reluctant to let go of your Guns N’ Roses tour shirt even though it’s looking more dated than Axl Rose himself? Or maybe you’re more of a traveler and have a trove of souvenir tees that have seen better days.It’s so easy to reinvent your treasured T-shirts with some creativity and just a little patience…
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SJR Primecorp Parkway Homes | Pre launch offer for limited period!!!
India is a country which consist of a very complex financial system with dozens of taxes for the different sources. It is not easy for a common man to understand the fundamentals of tax system and purpose of each type of tax. Knowingly or unknowingly we are paying taxes for everything we are doing daily basis…
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This post is from staff writer Holly Johnson. It’s been a long time since I’ve been broke, but I can still remember exactly what it felt like. I can picture all the ugly details of the way I used to struggle; the empty bank account, the awkward moments, the feelings of despair…. And honestly, one particularly awkward conversation with my sister still plays clearly in my mind to this day: “Hey sis, I’m coming into town this weekend,” she said innocently…
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Well THAT was a fast year! And now because I’m a dad I’m allowed to say things like “they grow up so fast, don’t they?” And “Stop playing with your penis!” Haha… Man, what a ride so far 🙂
It’s crazy to think that in only 12 months a human can go from a cute little blob in the belly, to a cute chubby speed demon trying to gobble everything in sight…
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– 20somethingfinance.com/

Having a healthy body and taking preventative health into your owns hands so that you can avoid costly medical bills requires exercise. A massive study of 400,000 participants in Taiwan found that just 15 minutes of exercise per day increases life expectancy by 3 years.
But lets face it, most workouts are notoriously boring…
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– consumerismcommentary.com/

A past employer hard a hard time keeping his employees from running away within three years of starting their jobs; for this small organization, the turnover rate was high, and without consistency, the organization compromised the service it intended to provide and the mission that was its essence. There is nothing unique to this situation; in high-demand, high-stress, and high-minded organizations, the revolving door situation appears…
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As many of you know, money is the #1 issue that leads to arguments in relationships.
It makes sense, right? You take two people who have their own way of doing things, push them together, and expect them to be on the same page about finances. Since money is so important and affects everything we do, this can automatically cause some tension…
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Join our Tweetchat this Thursday at 12:00 pm Pacific for lively conversation and a chance to win prizes! Use #WBChat to participate.
This week’s topic: Reviews! Learn about using reviews when deciding on your next big (or little) purchase! Tell us about reviews you’ve written and tell us where you go to find reviews on products you are considering buying!
For an easy way to keep track of the conversation, try using our special Tweetchat Chatroom…
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The following is an excerpt from the book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! a New Job Search Process for a New Era. I will be running a series of excerpts from this book over the next few weeks.Email is probably one of the most abused forms of communications in the workplace today. For that reason, we all need to be VERY careful when we use email as part of a job search effort…
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– milliondollarjourney.com
The Canadian government offers one of the most lucrative research & development (R&D) tax incentives in the world. It is known as the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program. The SR&ED program has been an integral part of business growth across Canada because the program offers more than $3 billion dollars in tax credits to further R&D initiatives and to keep Canada competitive in the global marketplace…
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As a baseball player, I have to deal with many different people. They all serve a different purpose in the grand scheme of the sport. Tips are part of the game, and we pay those who help us out.
Just like in the rest of the world, deciding how to tip someone is important, and good service is rewarded…
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