How to Find Your Own Independence Day

If you’re in the U.S., you’re probably taking today off — it’s our Independence Day.
So when you get back to work, will it be awesome or … not so much?
Will you be using your best gifts? Doing work that energizes you?
Are you proud of what you do every day? Or do you dream of doing something much bigger, much better, much more meaningful?
If your daily work and business life isn’t reaching “awesome” yet, there’s one thing you have to do in order to find that satisfaction and independence you’re looking for …
Start treating your business like a business…
3 Benefits of Being a Blog Ghostwriter

Many writers get into blog writing because they want to have their work published online. However, if you have started blogging for a living, you will quickly learn that the benefits of not having your name published on something can far outweigh the name recognition you’ll get on a piece of content written under your name…
OngageConnect Offers More Effective Email Marketing

Working to help you achieve your email marketing goals is Ongage, a gateway platform that is designed to optimize deliverability, harnessing the power of multiple ESPs to maximize your chances of email marketing success…
Small Business Accounting: Where Do I Put the Money? (FS009)

What’s making money?
What’s losing money?
What expenses are the heaviest?
In this episode we discuss how to take control of your business finances based on Corbett and Caleb’s hard-earned experience…