Nuance Creates Mobile Advertisements That Talk Back

Nuance is going to change that…
HubSpot Launches Free Tool to Analyze the Shareability of Your Tweets

But the real power comes when you begin analyzing your own, individual sets of data so you can find out what kinds of content, timing, and behaviors work best for your specific audience…
The Golden Age of Social Lead Targeting Has Arrived Fully

But now we’ve moved past the point of crude social lead digging to a much more elegant phase in which prospective clients can be discovered, scored and nurtured using social networks and everyday relationship building tools…
A Thorough Introduction To Backbone.Marionette (Part 2)
In the first part of this series, we discussed Backbone.Marionette’s Application. This time around, we’ll discuss the module system that is included in Backbone.Marionette. Modules are accessible through the Application, but modules are a very large topic and deserve an article dedicated to them…
7 Infographic Topics You Should Avoid

Done correctly, they communicate nuanced and complicated ideas in an easy-to-understand format. But as simplistic as infographics appear, they’re actually very complex.
Good infographic design is more than just clean layout, eye-catching colors, and good font choice…
Content Marketing & Optimization 6 Ways – Upcoming Speaking Events

For the past few years I’ve been giving presentations all over the world to educate marketers on the importance of an attract, engage and convert approach to content marketing…
beremedy – #GivingTuesday

@marcapitman -write on @beremedy. Check out their indiegogo campaign to take the platform nationwide:…#GivingTuesday
— Kate Atwood (@KateAtwood) March 26, 2013
Never having heard of it, I went to their Indiegogo page to learn more…
Citations and Co-Citations for Local SEO

How stand up comedy can help you give great business presentations

A funny fact
Any good comedian will confirm that you start a stand-up routine with your 2nd best joke and finish with your best joke…
With Mailbox, I Might Make Inbox Zero

My inbox has over 3,000 messages. A couple months ago it was over 20,000 messages until I accidentally deleted 17,000…
A Few Words on the DDOS Attacks on Spamhaus
How to Reduce Spam Complaints?Image-Only HTML Emails Getting BlockedTips to avoid spam filters
Ads Manager Facelift Makes It Easier For Facebook Advertisers To Track Performance
Please visit Marketing Land for the full article…
One Common Mistake That Can Ruin Any Conversation
The Viral Video Manifesto: Think Like a Street Performer

(Image source)
This blog post is part of a 4-part blog series on how to make a viral video that is launching tomorrow on the Smartshoot blog. The blog series is based on the book The Viral Video Manifesto and outlines four-principles when it comes to viral video.
Unlike a movie where the audience knows beforehand that it will be a 2 hour investment full of character back stories, compelling narratives and hopefully a thrilling yet unexpected ending, a viral video must think like a street performer…