Turn Your Passion for Fitness Into a Business
– noobpreneur.com
Exit an Unprofitable Line of Business
– blogs.hbr.org
Rita Gunther McGrath, author of The End of Competitive Advantage, explains how to identify and abandon a declining project, product, or business.
Make It Your Business to Reduce Your Tax Load
– .businessownersideacafe.com/
What can the small business owner and self-employed contractor do to reduce the anxiety and the tax load? Can you change some things you’ve done in the past to make 2014 a better tax year for your business?
read more
Ohio to Vote on Tax Cut for Small Businesses
– foxsmallbusinesscenter.com
Word-of-mouth marketing: control is futile
– customerevangelists.typepad.com/blog/
Even today, marketers are still trying to control the conversation customers have about their brand. Give it up. With social media acting as a word-of-mouth jetstream, it’s impossible to make sure people are on “brand message” when they talk about you to friends and family. We can only hope to create products and brands that people want to evangelize and then join in the conversation…
Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
– allbusiness.com/
Sales Manager – Psychopaths need not apply
– businessblogshub.com
Why Startups Need a Well Articulated Strategy (And How to Think About Yours)
– bothsidesofthetable.com/

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Obama Goes After 'Patent Trolls'
– entrepreneur.com

Hello Glass: Is There a Future for Google Glass for Small Business?
– bizpenguin.com
Google Glass, although still a prototype and you had to compete with thousands other to get one and try it yourself (application for this has been closed, by the way…,) the conversation has started to heat up…
Why Transparency Is Essential to a Trusting Staff
– youngentrepreneur.com