Ameriprise Financial (AMP) Dividend Stock Analysis

Are there gender roles in your house?

Good morning Dinks. Something happened this week at my office and I was absolutely surprised by my co workers reaction to gender roles in 2013. I would like to share with you because I am not sure if it’s just my relationship that is completely out of the ordinary or if my co worker is just old fashioned…
Do Two Part Time Jobs Make One Full Time Job?
$7,641 in May Extra Income – Side Hustles!

Hey everyone. Happy Monday! I published my May Goals Update along with my June Goals yesterday. I decided to split up the posts, so don’t forget to read that This is a whale of a post today, so make sure to grab a cup of coffee beforehand…
May was yet another good month with extra income…
Tips on How to Invest in Your Dream Home!
Why I Canceled Our Satellite Television

Okay, I know what you’re thinking, “Here’s yet another money pincher trying to save a few bucks every month.” I would be lying if I said that money didn’t factor into the equation at all, but it definitely was not the main reason. My wife and I decided, together, that we just didn’t want it anymore for a variety of reasons besides the monthly cost…
How to Invest in Stocks When You Do Not Know Where to Start
Have You Audited Your Automated Payments Recently?

25 Resources for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Students

Photo: Ben Spark
Students of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University learn a lot about how to manage money. While we at Dough Roller don’t necessarily agree with all of Dave’s views, we do think his basic Baby Steps method can be great for those struggling to gain financial control in their lives…
The Road to Misery is Paved With Good Intentions

Image Credit: Bill Rice
This is a guest post from Ree at Escaping Dodge. Ree believes (as I do) that prosperity happens when you change your relationship with money. I enjoyed her message the moment I discovered her site, so check it out!
It’s true that for many, living in misery is beyond their control…
Worrying Doesn’t Accomplish Anything. Take Action. Now.

“Are you making yourself old again?” I heard Tori’s friend say to her from behind me as we headed off to dance class.
I had never heard the phrase before, but I immediately understood what she meant. She was referring to the scrunched look on Tori’s face which was a result of the unusually rough time that just occurred at home as I had to continuously poke and prod her to get dinner eaten, dressed, and out the door on time for class…
Some Learning Suggestions for the Summer
Net Worth Update: May 2013

Job Titles, Income and Net Worth

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.
The following is a guest post from our friends at Snarkfinance. Snarkfinance is what you get when you mix insult humor with a finance blog. Always entertaining and informative, Snarkfinance focuses on unique, applicable approaches to financial concepts and business in general…
Say No To Your Children Now So You Won’t Have to Later

One of my guilty pleasures is watching Suze Orman every Saturday. I know she tends to polarize people faster than a Tea Party Presidential candidate, but I do enjoy her show. Suze was actually the first financial show I discovered. I found it while flipping channels on vacation…
Becoming Wealthy Isn’t Easy, but It is Simple

Building your net worth isn’t difficult nor does it require a complex money system, but it isn’t easy in the beginning. Most times, getting ahead in your finances means changing your habits and routines and that can be difficult. Over the years, I’ve written posts on how to save money, get out of debt, invest for retirement and other goals, and earning more income…
Top 10 Reasons to Pay Off Your Student Loans ASAP

After 6 years dragging myself through the ivory tower, I owed over $30,000 in student loan debt. That student loan debt was like a giant “debt elephant” sitting on my shoulders. Paying off my student loans was one of the best financial decisions I’ve made to date…
June 2013 Net Worth
It’s June! Wow, time just passes by! I turned 23 last month, and I look forward to having an amazing year!
Summer is here, finally! I have been working out and eating healthier to get ready for the summer. I have been working out five times a week…
Teenage Pregnancy and Adoption

Turning Our Townhouse Into a Rental Property