The Blue Collar Money Manifesto

I’ve been thinking a lot lately on the topic of class, after a recent commenter claimed that the “labor class” simply couldn’t compared to those more educated (never mind that I am both a blue collar worker and college educated)…
Top Personal Finance Articles #19

Frugal Friday Find – Amazon Student

Fun for Friday: You Drove through a Small Town When…
What I had to look at for about 50 miles! I recently drove about 1000 miles through many small towns. It was quite an adventure, with all the rain and wind I got along the way. Although it was … Continue reading →The post Fun for Friday: You Drove through a Small Town When… appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
Life After College: Preparing Your Finances for the Real World

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.This is definitely not me.
College is hard work. But between studying and attending classes, you probably find time for fun and friends. This is the time for self-discovery, and if your parents offer financial support, college might be your four-year vacation before adulthood…
Weekly roundup: Baby showers, dividends and giveaways

I can’t help but think that my friend is going to be chained to her house with her kid and her husband in less than two months…
3 Easy Ways to Put More Cash In Your Pocket Today

It’s demoralizing to check your bank account balance – you have more month than you do money in your account…
WTF Wall Street Word: “Taper”
The News – What is everyone talking about?
In the fourth quarter of 2012 the Fed announced they would start their third round of bond buying, QE3. They have been buying $85 billion worth of bonds out of the market every month since then.
When we increase demand for something, the price usually goes up…
Five Common Frugal Styles (pros and cons)

4 Strategic Steps To Get Back On Your Financial Track
If you have not made a new-year resolution for the current year concerning your personal finances, either you are very rich and have personal financial advisers to guide you and / or invest for you, or you are just getting by from paycheck to paycheck and you have no desire or saving to worry about …
6 Things You May Not Know About Renters Insurance

According to a 2012 study by the Insurance Information Institute, 31 percent of renters had renters insurance. Many renters don’t have insurance because they don’t know what it is and why they need it, or because they think they can’t afford it.
Renters insurance is just as necessary as homeowners insurance, even though you don’t have a lender forcing you to get it…
Frugal Friday: Would You Like to be Immortal?
Happy Friday everyone! It’s been a crazy week for the Frugal Rules home as mainly I will be off next week and away from the blogosphere for most of the week. Thank you, by the way, for those who stepped up and will be guest posting for me next week. It’s always good to know that my blog will be left in good hands even though I’ll be away from it a few days…
I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 06/21
There’s an eerie calmness with my finances right now. Things are going reasonably well, we have no big expenses coming up, and nothing exciting has occurred in awhile. I’m not exactly sure how to feel about it, but I’m trying to convince myself to just relax and enjoy the summer…
Why Everyone Needs a Bucket

Everyone is in for a real treat today as I’m going to talk about my favorite household helper. No, it isn’t a fancy vacuum, food processor, or oven that I can turn on remotely from my driveway. It isn’t an item that I had to save money for months to purchase…
Business Insider
Stacking Benjamins is a new podcast that is dominating the “investing” section on iTunes. I am a contributor to this podcast once a month. My latest segment is on STK 007 (yes, double o 7.)
Check out what they’re saying over on Business Insider.
Check out what they’re saying over on Business Insider.
How I Stay Motivated When Being Frugal

Neighbors Selling Their Condo – Are We Next?

Very Important Message for Those Reading via Google Reader RSS

Best Alternative
The best alternative to Google Reader is to get posts straight to your email inbox…
Open your mind, and throw out your budget

When I officially decided that I wanted to start acting like an adult — I was about 25 at the time — I created an Excel spreadsheet to track my month-to-month spending, because that’s what grown ups do, right? Little did I know that I would come to obsess over the numbers that I had written, my own self-imposed restrictions, eventually causing me to throw my budget system out the window (otherwise known as defenestration)…
Weekly Recap – June 21st, 2013

Another week has gone by and I’m wondering what exactly I did. My wife and I had a great weekend at the cabin last weekend and we even got to see the swans again. Also, this week we started a new workout routine. We used to do 4-5 days of strength and short (30 min or less most of the time) cardio…