Native Advertising: Sticky or Icky?
The second story on BuzzFeed’s website this morning was…wait for it…“12 Comebacks We Can All Agree With.” (I say ‘wait for it’ because anyone who knows BuzzFeed’s editorial approach knows its love for lists.) It was a sponsored story—paid advertising—posted on behalf of Hostess, whose Twinkies and other brands are back after the production ceased […
The App Economy: Free is on the Rise

How to Repair Your Ecommerce SEO Strategy in a Post-Panda World

Unfortunately, search engines are far from stagnant, and algorithm updates like Panda and Penguin have the power to wreak havoc on your ecommerce site’s rankings, unless you have an SEO strategy that’s equally adaptable…
Your immediate attention is not required

Look at the updates below and consider how many of them need your immediate, urgent (as in drop everything) attention:
Geeta just sent a tweet to you.
Terry just liked your Instagram photo.
Mary just added you on Google+.
Jose just left a comment on your blog.
Jon has just invited you to like his new Facebook page…
Marketing Day: July 19, 2013
Here’s our daily recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web. From Marketing Land: New Gmail Inbox Features Ads That Look Like Emails, Above Promotional Email Subscriptions If you’ve converted to the new Gmail inbox,…
Please visit Marketing Land for the full article…