Name Brand Products I Love
Take an Online Course at Harvard…For Free

Why I’ll Never Move to Florida

In the final year of optometry school, students chose internship sites throughout the country to complete their training…
March Goal Progress & Income Updates

Just because it’s almost May doesn’t mean it’s too late to sneak in a March goals update, right? Here’s an overview of what March looked like:
Personal Goals
Cook 1 new meal per week- This goal was pretty easy to achieve because the bf and I have been using Fresh Direct to have our groceries delivered…
Buying a Home: Is a Small Down Payment Actually a Big Deal?

How Long Does It Take to Improve Your Credit

Photo: 401 (K) 2013
How long does it take to improve your credit? That’s a great question.
Unfortunately, the answer is, “It depends.” It depends on what your credit score is now, and why. And it depends on how much you want to improve your credit score.
Serious credit problems — foreclosures, collections records, etc…
Frugal Friday: We Just Got Blindfolded by the Government Edition
Weekly roundup: Boston, Breaking up and a Giveaway

You may remember that I went to Boston for the first time in December and I absolutely fell in love with the city…
Top Personal Finance Articles #11
Speaking of my wife, she also sent me the following YouTube clips which I found both interesting and hilarious…
Relationships and Money: Talk is Not Cheap

My name is Lindsey and I started my own personal finance blog a few months ago at I have to say it’s been a great adventure so far and I’m learning a lot as I go along my journey to become debt free! I like reading, writing, traveling and technology…
Selling Put Options with a Margin Account

New Online Coupons Strategy: Infographic by Rather Be Shopping

Infographic brought to you by: Rather-Be-Shopping…
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Credit
I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 04/26
What to Know Before Hiring a Employee
Before you decide whether or not to consider an employee, you must check their references. It is recommended that you ask for and then call at least three of your candidates’ references. You are given a good idea of what type of employee your candidate will be if they give two professional references and one personal…
How I Quit My Day Job

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Well, I did it. I gave notice to my employer…
Feeling Good Friday: Reaching Out to Help

Happy Birthday to mehhhh

The VIP Club Roundup – Sorority Meltdown Edition

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.What’s up, party people? Welcome back to the VIP Club Roundup!
First, we wanted to apologize to anyone who tried to comment yesterday and couldn’t. We were having issues with one of our plugins and comments were getting thrown out left and right…
How to Get a Promotion

Everyone wants to know how to get a raise or a promotion. I hate to say it, but there is no formulaic approach to guarantee either of these. Even though there may be no fool proof method, there are certain steps that will give you a better chance at getting a promotion.
Do a Great Job at Your Current Job
This may seem obvious, but I know quite a few people who really want a promotion, but they are not doing exceptionally at their current job…