Welcome to the weekly Friday giveaway roundup! Every single Friday we post giveaways ending within the next week. If you want to make sure you never miss one of these posts be sure to subscribe via RSS or Email.
Happy Friday everyone!
Not too much to share today. I’ve had a lot going on with our sewer repair, but more on that in a couple posts next week…
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This is the moment you have been anticipating. You got engaged and now you are marrying the person you love. You want the wedding of your dreams, but then you have to consider reality. Let’s face it, weddings are expensive, but there is no need to break out the tissues just yet. Here are ten ways that you save money while planning a wedding…
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We may have an idealized vision of retirement in our heads: days spent golfing, traveling, and enjoying the company of friends and family. But unfortunately for many of us, retirement may not be nearly so carefree. Working part-time after retiring is one way that many retirees are supplementing their retirement income and fighting the potential ennui of no longer having a self-defining career…
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There’s something about having a little bling that can make anyone feel a little bit better. While I don’t wear a lot of jewelry, I do like to have a few items (in addition to my wedding band) that I enjoy – and that I can wear for special occasions.
Buying jewelry, though, can be expensive…
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I was going through the Scottrade 6th Annual retirement survey for 2012. Compared to 2011 the trend seemed favorable to what we, the personal finance bloggers, want to see. Americans all across the board started saving more, spending less and the participation in tax deferred accounts increased. Boomers, Gen X are planning actively for their future
Scene is still not bright for Gen Yers, on the other hand still have a lot to catch up…
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In just more than a decade, the number of young Americans graduating from institutions of higher learning with student loan debt has nearly doubled; and the amount of debt they owe has grown at a similar pace.
According to new research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the growing number of debt-ridden alumni is having serious implications for the economy as a whole…
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If you’ve ever made a promise to change your spending habits, only to break that promise repeatedly, you are not alone. After all, you still have to go past your favorite coffee shop every morning where a delicious (and overpriced) beverage is only minutes from your lips. Throughout the day, your inbox may bring news of sales and […
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Heirs routinely lose a large percentage of inherited individual retirement accounts to unnecessary taxes. The rules are simple, but they aren’t obvious; and most heirs don’t know about them or even know enough to ask about them. If you don’t want a large portion or your hard-earned wealth and careful plans wasted, be sure your heirs know how to manage their new IRAs…
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– canadianfinanceblog.com
This week the Million Dollar Journey revealed their list of the Top 10 U.S. Dividend Growth Stocks for 2013.
Retire Happy asked a frightening question: Does Half Your Money Go To Taxes?
Debt affects you in many ways and that’s why the Financial Highway wrote about The Emotional Effects of Debt and How to Deal…
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When there’s a mess, instead of reaching for expensive cleaning wipes, make your own for less than a dollar. With the help of vinegar and liquid dish soap, your counters will sparkle without the use of harsh chemicals. And you’ll love how this easy DIY can be made over and over with the help of a repurposed coffee canister…
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A few days ago, I watched an old recorded episode of Extreme Couponing. I’d caught bits and pieces of the show before and had always intended to watch a full episode of the show.
Clearly, the people shown on the program were very organized with their spending – and that organization reaped significant rewards for them…
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Have you paid attention to President Barack Obama’s 2014 proposed budget? It includes a provision to put a 3 million dollar cap on your tax-preferred retirement accounts. This proposal would generate $9 billion in revenue for the Treasury over the next decade according to White House. Actually, the limit would be based on the amount needed to buy an annuity that will pay $205,000 per year…
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Man, what a month of ups and downs so far… One week we save a thousand in an area, and the next we’re down a thousand! That’s life for ya, eh? Makes me even more sure I’m in the “Even Steven” category lately 🙂 Remember that from Seinfeld? Elaine and George switch positions in life and Jerry breaks even on everything? Even when they throw $20 out the window? Haha… (he ends up finding a $20 bill in his pockets later, it’s hilarious ;))…
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It’s an idea that the richest and most powerful people in the business world almost never say out loud.
But takeover king Wilbur Ross knows it. So does Herb Allen, the most exclusive banker in the world. And you can bet your boots that billionaire Warren Buffett knows what I’m about to tell you…
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My father won’t survive the weekend.
My dad has been sick for over a year, but in the last few months he has gotten really bad. He has a tumor in his throat that is so big he can’t even swallow a sip of water.
I flew to see him on Tuesday and my sister is coming in town in just a few hours…
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Mahalo! I’m currently on vacation from vacation so apologies if comments or e-mails do not get responded to in a normal fashion. Long time FS reader Jason is sharing his early retirement story and isn’t quite sure whether it’s all worth it. Hopefully you guys can provide some different perspectives as always…
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Via Credit.com. By Benjamin Feldman
Spring has traditionally been a time for cleaning our homes and clearing away the clutter that has accumulated throughout the winter.
It’s a satisfying approach to the season because it gives us the feeling of starting fresh.
There’s no better way to put a spring in your step (no pun intended) than by freeing yourself of unnecessary messes…
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– milliondollarjourney.com
I realize that the tax filing deadline is close (April 30, 2013), so I apologize for the delay in announcing the TurboTax winners. The winners of a free copy of TurboTax are:
john in kitchener
If you didn’t win but still want to use TurboTax, don’t despair – here’s a 10% coupon for TurboTax…
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This post is from staff writer April Dykman. If you read Get Rich Slowly regularly, you probably know that this is Financial Literacy Month. And my inbox has been filled with press releases about it, like best practices for financial literacy and 30-day programs to get your finances on track. But for me, tactics like those didn’t spur me to become financially literate…
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Here we go with the fifth round of Free Money Finance March Money Madness (to follow all the action click on my March Money Madness category link and scroll down to read all the posts involved in this subject.)
Today’s games are brought to you by the Citi® Dividend Platinum Select® Visa® Card – $100 Cash Back currently offering $100 cash back after $500 in purchases within the first 3 months of account opening and 5% cash back in select categories…
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– consumerismcommentary.com/

This month is Insurance Month in the series Naked With Cash. Each month, seven Consumerism Commentary readers anonymously share their financial reports to gain insight about their progress towards their goals. Read this introduction to learn more about the series. Anne and Matt are twenty-seven years old, living in the Midwest, with two children…
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Even the taste of beer is enough to stimulate some beer drinkers’ brains and make them want to have a glass, new research indicates.The study was done on 49 men by researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine, the BBC says. The participants ranged “from social to heavy drinking, mean age 25, with a varied family history of alcoholism,” according to the study’s abstract…
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