Funny Ways We Save Money On Summer Roadtrips

If you’ve taken a summer road trip, it might have gone something like this, especially when you’re trying to save a few bucks.
Agonize for days over finding the best vacation deals…
Are You Making These Five Retirement Planning Mistakes?

As you save for retirement, here are Five planning mistakes to avoid.
1. Overestimating Returns
Remember back when the rule of thumb was that you could expect 10% annual returns from your investments? Looking at the rule now, it seems a little excessive…
The Best Time to Have Children
If a couple has a child when they’re younger, the medical risks are lower, the parents are much more likely to be in good health throughout their childhood, and they can focus on their career during their 40s and 50s…
The Best, Worst, and Craziest Jobs.

Just read an interesting article over at Yahoo Finance talking about the best and worst jobs to go into debt for. None of which I even thought or cared about back in the day (I just wanted one I thought was fun and could get a reasonable degree in, haha…), but I’m sure there are smarter kids out there right now reading and contemplating this as I type 🙂
This post is for you guys…
Millions of American Homeowners Could Refinance and Save with HARP
by Clayton Closson
You read that title correctly.
An estimated 2.7 million American households could refinance to today’s mortgage rates (which are near historic lows, in case you haven’t been paying attention) through the gov’s HARP program…
How to Get Free Apps on Your iPhone Without Hidden Costs

Survey: America’s Rich Are Self-Made
According to the survey, conducted earlier this year by BMO Private Bank, a surprising number of wealthy Americans accomplished their financial goals themselves, with very few attributing their wealth to inheritance…
4 Things Everyone Should do to Save Electricity
I live in mid-Michigan – home of the muggy, swamp-ass summer (although nothing like the mid-south, I will admit). I still use air conditioning at night during the worst muggiest summer nights. I also don’t own any Energy Star kitchen or laundry appliances, and I have an electric dryer and dishwasher…
How To Deal With People Who Flash Their Money

Income Tax Return Filing FAQ’s (ITR)
The time has come for the income tax filing, which is most important part for the tax payer in the year. Even though this process repeats every year, still most of the people searching for the guide to know how to file returns and not remembering the meaning for various terms…
What Are Your Habits Costing You?

As a baseball player, I often see people using chewing tobacco. This got me thinking about habits — both good and bad — and what they cost us.
My wife and I enjoy getting coffee from Dunkin Donuts in the morning, while some people enjoy traveling or shopping. Anything that we do consistently is a habit, and these habits often come with a price tag…
SteveDH, May 2013 Net Worth

Join our Tweetchat this Thursday at 12:00 pm Pacific for lively conversation and a chance to win prizes! Use #WBChat to participate.
This week’s topic: Party planning on a budget! Learn about frugal invites, saving on food and drinks, and choosing a theme! Tell us about how you entertain party guests on the cheap and let us know your #1 way to save money when planning a party!
For an easy way to keep track of the conversation, try using our special Tweetchat Chatroom…
Five factors for your asset allocation
Don’t Let The Fed Get You Down

I say outgoing because that’s what President Barack Obama told talk show host Charlie Rose right before last week’s FOMC meeting…
Charting The Most Dangerous, Wealth-Destroying Investment In The World

I know; I know. Cash is supposed to be the ultimate safe haven — a riskless investment, if you will…
Study: Wealthy People More Likely to Lie, Cheat and Take Candy From Kids