How to Increase More Engagement on Your Facebook Page

How to Increase More Engagement on Your Facebook Page

Facebook engagement

Statistics show that Facebook page engagement has gone down by a whopping 20 percent since the beginning of last year. These statistics can completely scare off a social media marketing manager. So, this article here is going to help you increase your Facebook page engagement. Read along:

  • Post less, but focus on the quality of these few posts. It is better to post just 2-3 posts in a week, but have good content, instead of sharing daily just to increase more traffic on your page. Remember, quality is more important than quantity, otherwise people are going to pay much heed and scroll past it.
  • It is interesting that every brand has a perfect time to post, when its followers are online. This time depends on the type of industry you are a part of, demographics of your audience and how often your followers use Facebook. So experiment different timing in the peak hours to see which works for you the best.
  • It is important to realize that what may have worked for Twitter or Instagram may not work for Facebook exactly. So you need to create more specific content for Facebook.
  • Facebook videos tend to attract a lot of attention, because of the fabulous feature Facebook offers of auto-playing the ad (both video and audio). So upload the video onto Facebook, instead of merely sharing the YouTube link. You can even add interesting captions to attract more people.
  • Go Live once in a while. Whenever someone goes Live, a notification is sent to all the friends or followers. According to statistics and reports, people tend to spend three times more time in a Live video than otherwise. Sometime, while checking out your Live content, people may even checkout the other things you have posted in a while. So, start a question-answer with your followers or share some behind the scenes action.
  • It is also beneficial to share other brands’ posts or user generated content from your community.
  • You might even ask for opinions from your customers. This provides a great chance to interact with your audience.
  • Keep aside a budget for Facebook ad campaign, and you can try boosting your top posts so that it reaches more people, and the engagement on the posts goes up.
  • You can even re-post some of your post popular posts or re-post it with some additional video or link.
  • It is important to experiment with new kind of content and check with what works best for you.