I Was Dead Wrong on Netflix
– http://slant.investorplace.com/
Now that NFLX is at $225, it’s time to admit that was a bad call.
In my defense, I did a bit of an about-face and more recently wrote that Netflix might move big after earnings in April … and it’s up 40% since then…
Cline Shale: The Newest, Hottest Shale Oil Play
– http://www.investmentu.com/
Fast-forward to 2007…
The technology of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing opened up the potential of the Barnett Shale…
This Unloved Industry Is Poised For An Economy-Fueled Surge
– streetauthority.com

Their clients start to look for ways to trim costs, and reduced insurance coverage (and the smaller premiums they are charged) eats into the insurers' bottom lines. Any hopes of actually raising insurance premiums go out the window, as a client will quickly jump ship to a rival in search of a better deal…
If You Don't Mind Volatility, Deere Could Still Do Alright
– investopedia
Ask A Fool: Tell Me About 3D Systems
– fool.com
Severn Trent Rejects Bid Approach
– dailyfinance.com
LONDON — The shares of Severn Trent dropped 50 pence to £20.27 during early London trade this morning after the FTSE 100 member said it had rejected a bid proposal.
Severn Trent, which supplies water to 4.2 million premises in the Midlands and Wales, claimed the takeover approach “completely failed to recognize the existing and potential value” of the group…
Intrepid's Travis Says `Small Market' for Tesla (Audio)
– bloomberg.com
at Intrepid Capital Management Inc., discusses why he shorted
shares of Tesla Motors Inc. Travis talks with Bloomberg’s Pimm
Fox and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Radio’s “Taking Stock.”
Re: Fiancee Got Into Med School: Should I Rent or Sell My Co
– bogleheads.org