The Science of Self-Control: Can You Increase Your Willpower?

Does any of this sounds familiar:
You want to become an early riser, but once your alarm clock goes off, you hit the snooze button, and go back to sleep.
You decide to eat healthier, but you find yourself ordering a meal at McDonald’s.
You think that it would be great to hit the gym and shed those extra few pounds before the summer, but after a long way of work, you end up in a couch in front of the TV…
How Various Colors Affect Your Mood

First of all, keep in mind that some colors are “warm” (red, yellow, orange), and others are “cold” (blue, purple)…
From Deadliest Catch Fisherman to Online Success

Crab fishing in Alaskan waters is by far the most lethal form of fishing and not surprisingly, it tops the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ list of jobs with the most fatalities.
In the unforgiving Bering Sea, ice can quickly coat a boat deck while 700-pound crab cages swinging from a winch can easily knock workers overboard…
The Luck of the Draw

What’s the title of this post mean, anyway? I’ve heard it a million times, at least, and I think I know what it means…but… Let’s put the meaning in clear perspective so I can find a purpose in titling this post as above.
The Free Dictionary defines the phrase, “the luck of the draw” this way…
Learn to Accept Compliments in Four Simple Steps

Many of us have a hard time accepting compliments. Some of us approach them cautiously, suspicious of ulterior motives, while others deflect them or point the credit elsewhere in an effort to exhibit modesty. Either way, the inability to accept compliments is a sign of low self-esteem and may show others that we don’t think as highly about our actions or efforts as they do…
Control Your Anger With These 5 Steps to Effective Anger Management

How to Make Your Smartphone Automatically Unlock Your Stuff