How to Stop Being Jealous and Insecure About Money

Money and security conceptIt is indeed human nature to be jealous and insecure about money. For centuries, money has been a symbol of our standing in society. The money we have shows people how successful and important we are. Because of this we have developed a unique feeling of inferiority or inadequacy if we don’t have enough of it. Movies, books, television and videos games only exacerbate the problem. Psychologists say that insecurity about money is the number one thing getting in the way of us being able to live happy and healthy lives. It is true that money doesn’t buy happiness, but it certainly makes us unhappy if we don’t have any. Here are a few ways you can stop being jealous and insecure about money.

For one, when you start to feel jealous and insecure it is important to stop and ask yourself why you are feeling that way. In most cases we’ll find that the feelings of jealousy are originating from someplace else entirely. Perhaps there was a moment in your childhood where you couldn’t afford something, or perhaps you couldn’t be a part of something with friends because you didn’t have the money. Figuring out exactly what this is will help you better understand where the feelings of jealous and insecurity are coming from, and will help you assuage them.

Next, change your reaction. The next time you find out your friend just got a raise or someone just won a big settlement, instead of acting jealous or insecure try to be genuinely happy for them. This is a great way to condition yourself not to have those feelings of inadequacy. Most of the time it is not the fact that your friend is getting a bonus that is making you feel inadequate, but the feeling that you just simply aren’t good enough or you are less than. Going through this process and changing the way you will react will allow you to get to the very bottom of why you feel jealous and insecure in the first place.

Also, it is important to be thankful for what you’ve got. Having money is great, but having your health and happiness is a lot better. There is nothing like having a roof over your head and a hot shower once and while. When you look at life this way you won’t see money as the end all, be all of your happiness. Money won’t dictate your happiness, but the things you appreciate will. Looking at the world this way is an important way to reduce the feelings of jealousy.

Lastly, take a deep breath and let it all go. The Zen Buddhists will tell you that letting go is the best way to not feel negative feelings, like jealousy and insecurity. Even though these feelings are human nature they are not at all constructive. So every time you feel jealous or insecure about money, just take a long, deep breath and let it all go. In the end, what is money anyways?