Is Fear Inducing You To Spend When You Know You Shouldn’t?

This is a guest post from Todd at Fearless Men…
Life Changes and Discretionary income

After 20 years of marriage I can look back and see a pattern to how my husband and I used excess cash. While it has been a long time since we lived paycheck to paycheck, any money not going toward living expenses is still almost always saved or spent for our children. I didn’t say it was a complicated pattern, but it is a pattern and for the first time in a long time we can see a shift away from it…
Proctor and Gamble (PG) Dividend Stock Analysis

Let’s Party Like it’s 4/20 Day Plus Link Love
How to Save Money by Swtiching Electric Companies

In my weekly newsletter (you can signup in the box in the right sidebar), we cover painless ways to save money. One of the tips we recently discussed was saving some dough by changing electric companies. The response from readers was amazing. I received countless emails from readers who had great insight into the whole process…
Do you always keep your debit and credit cards safe?

Good morning Dinks. Yesterday something happened to me and it was just so out of the ordinary that I have to share. Yesterday I went out for lunch with one of my co-workers and when we were paying for our lunch she didn’t pull out her wallet she just pulled her debit card out of her pocket. As a financial planner and former bank employee I felt the need to tell her the dangers of not keeping her debit card in a secure place…
One Year Lived – Adam Shepard

I’ll start off my stating that I haven’t read the book in its entirety, but I have read the first couple of chapters, and thus far it has been a very interesting read…
Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step 5: Start Saving for Your Child’s Education

I know I mentioned this previously, but I’ll remind everyone that steps four, five and six should be done simultaneously. They don’t require any money right away, they each are just a change in where your money will go from here on out now that you have an emergency fund and all of your debt is paid off…
In Finances, Fitness and Life, Together We Stand, Divided We Fail

Over the weekend Vonnie and I watched the movie “This is 40″ with a group of friends. I won’t give away many of the details of the movie for those who haven’t seen it yet, but the plot revolves around the fact that the two main characters are about to reach that milestone age of 40…
An Interview with Businessman Andrew Boyd

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Thanks for checking out Club Thrifty! We hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Today, we have a fun little interview with Andrew Boyd from! Enjoy!
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your business…
Three Things Everyone Is Talking About Today

#1 You’ll probably have to start paying sales tax for your online purchases (pretend like you knew that you weren’t paying sales tax).
This week the Senate is considering a bill (The Marketplace Fairness Act) that would require us to pay sales tax on stuff we buy online…
What Would You Do?: Spend Money to Save Money?

One Year In Our Home: 10 Tips For Condo Buyers
SmarterBucks vs Upromise: Which is Better for Helping Pay Student Loans?

Are You Cooking with Gas or Charcoal?

How to Choose the Perfect Office Space
How to Bring a Zen Musician’s Mind to Your Work

There are many things I love about the habits of Zen masters; the simplicity of their daily lives, the concentration and mindfulness of every activity, and the calm and peace they find and maintain in their days…
People Aren’t Saving Enough. How To Bump Your Retirement Savings Into High Gear
Clean Eating and $1,910 in Extra Income

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. It was a pretty slow weekend for me. Just cleaning up around the house and trying to relax.
I wanted to give all of you an update on my Reconnecting with Family post that I made back in January…
What a Pair of L.L. Bean Slippers Taught me About Customer Service
I’m not sure if I’ve ever written a post about great customer service that I have personally experienced…