Self Help: Why Bother? Nothing Changes. I’m Stuck. How to get Unstuck and get Moving Again

How to Be a Social Introvert

Introverts love to be social, but not too much, not too little, just right…
Run with motivationblog

Hack Something Using Heat Shrink Tubing

Play To Your Strengths: Embrace Change, Find Joy

Do you seek to make lasting change? Do you spend considerable time focusing on your weaknesses in order to make long-term life improvements? Have you had much success? Probably not. Incredible amounts of time and millions of dollars have been spent on trying to fix peoples weaknesses…
How To Have A Success Mindset When You Don’t Think You Can Do It

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” -Henry Ford
You know that in order to achieve your big goal you have to believe in yourself and your ability to achieve it.
So you try.
You visualize.
You imagine yourself having already achieved it.
You attempt to experience the feelings you’ll have when it’s achieved …