How to Get More PR Coverage for Your Business

How to Get More PR Coverage for Your Business

Business press coverage

There are four aspects of marketing: quality, quantity, price and promotion. While you may have spent a lot of time on the first three, getting a word out about your product may be something your business is lacking. Many startups have a difficult time getting coverage for their brand and products. And, one of the primary forms of promotion strategies is press coverage – journalists and publications covering your products, offers and features to attract customers and promote your brand in the market. So, how do you manage to get enough coverage for your product? Read along to find out. But firstly you have to make a list of prominent news reporters, journalists, writers and publication houses.

  • Reporters all over the world look for interesting news items, and research shows that this is about 1-2% of the total new items that come to them on a daily basis. So, your story needs to be unique enough to make the 1-2%.
    Ask yourself a very simple question: If you weren’t a part of this company, would you be interested in reading or watching that story?
  • A reporter looks mainly for a personal experience or a human story rather than mere facts and figures. So, when you are giving your interview, make sure you give some personal encounters that help you connect with the reporter and the audience.
  • When you first send an email proposal to the reporter, make sure your subject is short and to the point. The subject of the mail is what grabs the attention at a single glance. The rest of the mail shouldn’t be too long, because if it takes longer than 2-3 lines, your reader will lose interest.
  • Always be available, download an app for your email inbox maybe. News gets old very fast, so you need to respond and follow up as fast as possible.
  • The industry keeps changing almost every day. New strategies, new platforms to reach the audience, new trends keep coming up, and it important for every marketer to keep up with the speed. Breathe and live the market. Understand the latest trends and developments, read news and follow blogs.
  • Reporters are very helpful. Get out of the ‘doing-it-only-for-myself’ zone and have a willingness to help others. Helping others shows you care and it builds trust. Trust is important for every transaction- business or personal.