6 Business Ideas for Teenagers
– moneysmartlife.com

Why a Business and Not a Job?
You may be wondering why not just get a part-time job to earn some extra money? You certainly can and that’s always an option…
Thursday poll: college debt
– punchdebtintheface.com
College debt has been making headlines these last few weeks for a multitude of reasons, none of which I particularly cared about. So today I figured I’d check in and see just how much college debt the average Punch Debt In The Face reader graduated with.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll…
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll…
Reader Mailbag: Songs of Your Youth
– thesimepledollar.com
What’s inside? Here are the questions answered in today’s reader mailbag, boiled down to five word summaries. Click on the number to jump straight down to the question.
1. How valuable is living space?
2. Meditation and money
3. Using multiple investing houses
4. Cheating wife
5. First investment steps
1. How valuable is living space?
2. Meditation and money
3. Using multiple investing houses
4. Cheating wife
5. First investment steps
10 Tips for Making the Most of Garage Sales
– moneyning.com/

Summertime means garage sales — lots of ‘em. From visiting neighborhood garage sales to cruising the city in search of signs, garage sales can be a fun and frugal way to stock up on needed items. Hosting a garage sale can also bring in additional cash for items that you no longer need or want…
When Should Your Teenager Get a Job?
– prairieEcothrifter.com

Throwback Thursday: “It’s The Principal of The Matter…”
– budgetsaresexy.com/

My wife had a good idea yesterday, and that was to pull out an older-but-goody article from this blog every now and then and re-post it. A) Because only like 5 people probably saw it back then, haha… and b) to give me a break from thinking all the time 😉 I told her it was so good that I was going to start today! (At which point she threw on the shocked face knowing that I usually just smile and nod at her ideas and then carry on ;))
Sooooo… I present to you today, a post I first wrote back on June 27, 2008! Albeit a much cleaner, more punctuated, version, haha… I wasn’t much of a grammar care’er back in the day, nor apparently altogether now either 😉 The interesting part, though, is that this post still applies today as much as it did back then…
4 Tips to Ask for a Raise (and 6 Ways Not To)
– moneytalksnews.com

Why Learning the Guitar Is the Best Investment You Can Ever Make
– wisebread.com
We often think of investments in terms of dollars and cents. Financial investments are judged on their ability to show a monetary profit over time. But how about an investment in a life skill that will reward you mentally, physically, emotionally, and even socially for all the years of your life? One of the best things I ever did was pick up a stranger’s guitar at a party when I was 17…
Buy a House for the Mortgage Tax Deduction? Not so Fast
– 20somethingfinance.com/

Money and values: When frugality goes too far
– getrichslowly.org/blog
Welcome to Throwback Thursday! Many in the GRS community have been reading the site since J.D. Roth began posting in 2006, but many of you are new to the community. We’re going to start re-posting some of the most popular — and useful articles — from the past. The financial advice and ideas are still valid, and well worth bringing back to light…
How Cost of Living Impacts Finances and Lifestyle
– youngadultmoney.com/

When it comes to the cost of living, I think the main focus should be on the cost of housing. Paying $1,000 a month versus $3,000 a month can make a huge difference in your personal finances and lifestyle. Today I want to discuss how cost of living – housing and rental prices in particular – impact personal finances and lifestyle…
Winning Interviews
– freemoneyfinance.com
The following is an excerpt from the book Cut the Crap, Get a Job! a New Job Search Process for a New Era. I will be running a series of excerpts from this book over the next couple weeks.Once you get an interview, it’s time to sell, sell, sell. Here are some thoughts on how to do that and separate yourself from the pack…
How To Do More with Your Money
– ptmoney.com

Recently, Michael Delgado of Experian interviewed me for one of their Experian chats. We covered a lot of ground in the Google Hangout, including my journey into blogging, how to do more with your money, and even some beginner blogging tips for those who are interested in starting one of their own and possibly make some money on the side…