What Exactly Is Content Marketing?
– ducttapemarketing.com/blog/

Fix Your Landing Page Mistakes and Increase Conversions
– unbounce.com/blog

Image source
Today, the author, Peep Laja (pronounced “Pep”), founder of conversion rate optimization agency Markitekt, and the popular blog ConverionXL, is going to look at 5 different landing page examples, expose how each company is designing their landing page incorrectly and teach you what not to do…
A Beginner's Guide to Inbound Lead Generation
– blog.hubspot.com

Two Words To Turn Ho-Hum into Powerful Copywriting
– blog.crazyegg.com

What are they?
I won’t keep you in suspense.
It’s a simple two-word question:
“So what?”
Asking yourself this one simple question will dramatically improve your copy. And yield powerful copywriting.
It doesn’t matter if you’re writing an email to a colleague, a memo to your staff, or a web page selling a humidifier…
How the World’s Top Marketers Make Emotional Connections to win in the Marketplace
– toprankblog.com

Simple Responsive Images With CSS Background Images
– smashingmagazine.com

With all the talk of new HTML5 standards such as the srcset attribute and <picture> element, as well as server-side techniques such as Responsive Web Design + Server Side Components (RESS), you'd be forgiven for concluding that simple, static websites can’t support responsive images today…
What type of clients do you choose to work with?
– jimsmarkteingblog.com

Are you working with the right type of clients or customers, doing work that inspires you and rewards you on every level?
Well, you should be!
The challenge here, is that many small business owners and consultants, are not choosy enough to work for great clients. Instead, they decide to work with pretty much anyone who will pay them…
Playlist: Bands With Great ROI
– benchmarkemail.com/blogs
If I’m going to pay for concert tickets, the show better be great. With that in mind, I put together this week’s playlist of the best ROI I’ve gotten from concerts.Related Articles
Playlist: Favorite Bands & Artists on Twitter40:1 Live Google Hangout & iPad GiveawayYour Benchmark Email President’s Day Playlist
Playlist: Favorite Bands & Artists on Twitter40:1 Live Google Hangout & iPad GiveawayYour Benchmark Email President’s Day Playlist
The Why and How for the Evolution of Link Building as Content Marketing (Part 2)
– marketingpilgrim.com

And so we begin…
The Previously-Unspoken Ranking Factors where Content is the Only Way to Compete
As humans, we suffer from Adaptive Bias…
The Complete Guide to Yelp Reviews: Power to the People!
– wordstream.com/blog

Conversion Optimization: 3 keys to a successful call-to-action you can learn from childhood
– marketingexperiments.com/blog/

As part of human nature, we love to press buttons. Just think of a second grader in an elevator. Guaranteed, they will push every button in that elevator if you let them because they do not understand the cause and effect. It’s fun.
Ironically, the same reason children push buttons is a reason your customers might avoid your call-to-action (CTA) buttons…