How Many of These Money Mistakes Have You Beat?

Happy 5th of July!! Are you nice and awake yet?? WILL ALL THESE CAPS HELP YOU OUT? 🙂
Seeing how we all just celebrated an awesome day of freedom yesterday, I thought we’d extend the joyous occasion and congratulate ourselves on even *more* freedoms we’ve since come to enjoy now that we’re paying attention to our money 🙂 The “5th of July Money Freedoms” if you will!
Below you will find a handful of money mistakes inspired by Anna from And Then We Saved, an awesome blog which my sister constantly reads over mine (!!!)…
Income-Based Repayment Student Loan Plans

The Weekly Quick Hits Roundup

As for this post, I will write about what we did here at Young Adult Money this week, a few updates from my personal life, and finally a few posts I read this week that I thought were worth sharing…
The Upside of Trying Your Own Repairs
Anyway, a few days after Christmas, the animal stopped making noise. This rather distressed our daughter, as she had become rather attached to the animal…
The Bad News on Unpaid Internships

How to Calculate Your Credit Score for Free

Will We Soon Have to Rent Computer Software?

How Do People Live A Comfortable Life Making Less Than Six Figures In Expensive Cities?

3 Common Retirement Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)

No matter where you are in your career, retirement is likely to be on your mind. Since this generation of workers can no longer expect employers to provide a generous pension and health insurance coverage, it can feel like all retirement decisions are up to us as individuals.
Add in the fact that there are any number of ways that retirement planning can go off the rails — and not all of those ways are within an investor’s control — and it’s clear that we have good reasons to be worried about retirement…
Capital One 360 Independence Day Bonus Bonanza!
Capital One 360Â wants you to declare your financial independence from bad checking accounts, mortgage fees, and expensive online brokers. They have a very clever Independence Day Sale going on from Monday, July 1st until Wednesday, July 3 at 11:59pm ET…
Writing Wrap Up + A Restful Week

Hi Everyone! Welcome to this week’s writing wrap up! Don’t forget that we’re giving away $480! Enter today so you have a chance at winning the big bucks.
Grenada/Life Update
The hubs and I have been super laid back and restful this week. Lots of going out to eat, watching an entire season of House, and going to the movies…
Ask the Readers: What will you donate this month?
Best Deals for Friday 07/05

Link for teaser title:
Pottery Barn up to 60% off home items with free shipping, Inflatable Buffet & Drink Cooler 2-Pack $13, 4-Shelf Unit $30 + pickup at Home Depot, and more!