Happy Hour Musings
– savvyfinanciallatina.com/#&panel1-
Every other Friday, there’s a happy hour at a nearby bar. I have managed not to go because I rather go workout straight after work on Friday. But last week, I convinced myself to go, in order, to network with my fellow peers. I forgo on the alcohol and order water. Especially since I was planning, and actually did go to Boot camp afterwards…
Friends Shouldn’t Lend Friends Money
– studentdebtsurvivor.com

Have you ever lent money to a friend or family member? If you have, did he/she pay you back? If they didn’t pay you back did that experience leave a bad taste in your mouth?
A few years ago I lent some money to a friend. The friend was having some financial problems (through no fault of her own) and needed a little cash to keep afloat…
Local Banks vs Online Banks
– edwardantrobus.com

Last week, I got an email from US Bank. I had been a happy customer of their free checking account for the past three years. But it seems it was not to be. In a few weeks, I will be their customer no longer…
What Would You Do?: You Won $100, $500 or $1,000 Today!
– moneylifeandmore.com

How I Paid Off Over $50,000 Of Credit Card Debt
– debtroundup.com

10 Major Password Problems (and 3 Ways to Avoid Them)
– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/
Ah, passwords. In a world that relies more and more on computers and other automated systems to run just about everything from our bank and stock market accounts to our phones and cars, it’s increasingly important to control access to everything around us, particularly our property and our money…
The Rule of 72 and Impact of Compound Interest
– commoncentswealth.com

I can still remember sitting in a finance class in 10th grade (my only one) and hearing about compound interest for the first time. The illustrations the teacher showed blew my mind. I was thinking, “That little amount of money can turn into that much money just by investing?!”. Since then I have been told many times how time is your biggest friend when it comes to investing and every time I imagine how much money I could have by the time I want to retire…
5 Advantages of ETFs over Mutual Funds
– doughroller.net

We were told they were a cross between mutual funds and individual stocks…
Getting Stung with Bank Fees and Charges
– monsterpiggybank.com

Recently one of the banks that I have an account with migrated my bank account to a new type of account without much warning, and for some reason it was unable to make external bank transfers…
Do We Care About Our Employers Anymore?
– frugalrules.com
Several months back I wrote a post about whether or not Employers Care About Their Employees Anymore and it created a nice little discussion about the state of the working place and what that might mean for us as individuals. As an aside, as I was researching this post, when I did some Google searching for today’s topic nearly all the articles I saw were related to Obamacare and what businesses may do in the upcoming months…
Botox, Fake Tans, and Tatooed Eyelids: The Price of Beauty Is Too High
– eyesonthedollar.com

Save Money By Buying YOURSELF A Gift Card!!
– www.enemyofdebt.com/

I wasn’t happy as I walked into Applebees to purchase a $50 gift card. A well liked member of the staff at the elementary school where Vonnie worked was leaving and her coworkers had come up with the idea to have everyone pitch in and get a gift card as a going away present…
6 Ways to Save Money When Buying New Car
– doablefinance.com
There comes a time when you have no choice but to purchase a new car. Whether you are simply tired of your old car or have to replace it because it keeps breaking down, a new vehicle is the best (and sometimes, only) solution. Before you go to a dealership and start looking at what … Continue Reading »
“I only spend like $200 a month on food!” and other money lies I tell myself.
– johnnymoneyseed.com

Preface by J. L. Moneyseed: Mrs. Moneyseed and I have just returned from our week away from Real Life, where we were basking in the sun in beautiful Orlando, Florida. Well, actually we spent most of the time inside since the weather was more like a monsoon than the tropical climate we were hoping for…
I Started a New Blog and $1,258 in Extra Income
– makingsenseofcents.com

We didn’t do a whole ton this weekend, just did a lot of relaxing and some side hustle work.
This week I have Thursday off and we are taking our engagement photos…
Exxon Mobil (XOM) Dividend Stock Analysis
– myfijourney.com

Save money on your next trip to the grocery store
– dinksfinance.com