5 Ways to Lose Investors in Under 3 Minutes
– youngentrepreneur.com
The opening of your investor pitch is critical. Flounder and you might lose a venture capitalist’s attention from the start. Here are five missteps VCs look out for when sitting down with entrepreneurs.
Speechless? Hold That Thought!
– foxsmallbusinesscenter.com
Where is your spot on the fiscalist-monetarist axis? And, not getting what you want might actually be a good thing. Here are some of the LOL-inducing, insightful and character-limited words of wisdom that helped me run my business last week.
How Crazy Business Ideas Can Actually Make You Money
– bizpenguin.com
Ever had one of those ideas for a genius business venture, but it sounds too crazy to do? Well, you might be inspired by learning about other crazy ideas that have lead businesses to make good money. Most of these people never said, “I want to create Twitter when I grow up,” but part of being a successful entrepreneur is the ability to see money where other people see nonsense…
Ten Charts That Show We’ve All Got a Case of the Mondays
– blogs.hbr.org

If you’re in a workplace in America right now, chances are most of the people around you are pretty checked out. You might even be plodding through the day yourself, counting down the hours until you can fly out the door. Or you’re doing your very best to make your unhappiness known to anyone within earshot…
Setting Up a Home Office on a Tight Budget
– allbusiness.com/
Personal finance expert and author Linsey Knerl tells AllBusiness.com about the best ways for home-based businesses to save money while building a fully functional home office.
Web Startup Puts a Digital Spin on Collecting Autographs
– entrepreneur.com
Athletes and fans share memories through electronic autographs.
The Perks of Being an Intern in Tech
– inc.com