Facebook Launches New Mobile Design for Business Pages
– blog.hubspot.com

7 Key Factors That Can Boost Local Reviews Up to 900%: An Interview with the Master of Local Search
– blog.crazyegg.com

It wasn’t long before he discovered the world of Internet Marketing which quickly became a passion of Bob’s…
Twitter Warns Reporters To Be “Extra Vigilant” After @AP Account Compromised
– marketingland.com
(screenshot via CNN) Twitter is warning media outlets to be “extra vigilant” in light of today’s incident involving a fake tweet sent out by hackers that had gained access to the Associated Press’ Twitter account, @AP. It’s also good advice for brands and marketers…
Please visit Marketing Land for the full article…
Disclosures for Bloggers and Brands
– socialmediaexplorer.com

Help, Viral Searches Killed My PPC! 5 Tips for Detecting Unrelated Search Queries Early
– wordstream.com/blog
In the past, Erin covered how celebrity-related keywords can screw up your traffic: Help, My Search Query Report Has Bieber Fever! Now I would like to talk about new queries which can appear instantly because of new viral content and interfere with your existing PPC campaigns.Last year, a Denham Springs woman set up a “middle finger” made of Christmas lights on her roof to upset neighbors…
Tumblr Slips Ads Into the Mobile Stream
– marketingpilgrim.com

The people who appreciate a Tumblr such as One Tiny Hand (photoshopped pics of celebrities with one, tiny doll hand in place of their real hand) probably aren’t going to respond well to display ads for Old Navy in their mobile feed…
Infographic: What Influences a Purchase Decision?
– marketingtechblog.com

Why Marketing Is Your Most Important System
– ducttapemarketing.com/blog/

photo credit: noodlepie via photopin cc
Without the same budget, resources and in-house expertise of larger companies, small businesses are at a disadvantage when it comes to marketing. By default, responsibility for marketing often falls to the business owner, who usually isn’t a marketing expert and is already strapped for time…
Product Pricing: 4 tips for communicating price in your marketing
– marketingexperiments.com/blog/
In today’s Web clinic at 4:00 p.m. EDT – “When Should You Reveal Price? The 3 principles of presenting price that helped generate a 97% increase in conversion” – Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS, will use our research to help you discover how to best communicate price to potential customers, and will answer questions such as:
In today’s Web clinic at 4:00 p.m. EDT – “When Should You Reveal Price? The 3 principles of presenting price that helped generate a 97% increase in conversion” – Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS, will use our research to help you discover how to best communicate price to potential customers, and will answer questions such as:
What is the optimal price range for my type of offer?
How should I display my price? Round numbers? Fractional?
When should I reveal the price? Early in the process, or later?
Is it possible to know I have the right price? Can I test it?
But first, we wanted to learn some pricing insights from the MarketingExperiments community…
Understanding the Value of Influence
– marketingtechblog.com

5 Tips For Creating A Better Social Posting Strategy
– benchmarkemail.com/blogs
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