How would you like to be guaranteed the ability to take out a loan for any purpose, anytime you like? Getting a loan from a bank can be tricky, and if your credit score isn’t high enough or your collateral isn’t worth enough they will turn you down. With a loan against a permanent life insurance policy, all you need to do is fill out a form, and the cash is yours.
It’s not always that simple, though. HealthIQ has developed a quiz to see how much you know about borrowing against your life insurance policy. Before you take this step, you should make sure you completely understand what you’re getting into. Your score on this quiz will tell you whether or not you’re ready.
HealthIQ can help you pay less for your life insurance policy, whether you choose a term policy or a permanent “whole life” policy you can borrow from. We do this by assessing your current health and your healthy lifestyle. To find out how this works, visit HealthIQ’s life insurance page and check out the in-depth FAQ.
We are an insurance agency with a difference. Forbes, CNBC, and other media outlets have featured our company and its unique approach to helping people pay less for life insurance. Just scoring at the “elite” level on this quiz and others on our site can immediately qualify you for a 4 percent savings on policies through our partners — nationally recognized insurers such as Assurity, Mutual of Omaha, and Prudential.