Going Home for Christmas

Christmas vacation

When you’ve left home to study at university, coming home for Christmas is a big change! It’s likely the first time you’ve been home for a substantial period since you left for university, and in that time you’ve had a huge chance to grow and change, becoming more independent than the child your parents might remember. You’ve been setting your own targets for study and work, been responsible for how much you socialise, how much you drink and when your bedtime is. Coming home to somewhere you have meet everyone else’s standards and timetable is a culture shock you might not relish.

There are several ways you can manage this, and even capitalise on it! Let’s take a look at a few of them today.

Your Room

Take a moment to think about what’s going to happen to your room while you’re away. If you’re studying in London, there might be someone visiting for Christmas who’d appreciate somewhere to stay. Looking into the London student storage market will find you somewhere to store precious possessions and finding someone who wants to rent your room over the holidays could see you coming back in the new year with some extra spending money!


It’s not just physical space you need to think about. Going home will be emotionally testing, however well you get on with your family. At Christmas this is magnified: there will be more family, packed into a single house for days at a time with emotions running high.

It’s vital you find a way to retreat to your own space. If your room is a workable option that’s great, but that may not work as a functional fortress in a busy and packed house. If you have an exercise routine this can be a good route to escape when you need it. Going for a run or to the gym gives you time to retreat and gather your thoughts, giving you the strength to face the family again.


It’s difficult to avoid falling back into old habits when you go back home. Try not to regress too far though!

Remember your new found maturity while you’re at home, and try to use it to help avoid arguments. Showing your family you’re able to take care of yourself: doing your own dishes, washing your own clothes and taking responsibility for yourself will demonstrate you’re an adult and should be treated as such far more effectively than clashing over some arbitrary rules.