How to Fight Resistance

As Steven Pressfield describes in his book, “The War of Art”, between these two lives of ours there is Resistance:
Have you ever brought home a treadmill and let it gather dust in the attic? Ever resolved on a diet, a course of yoga, a meditation practice? Have you ever felt a call to embark upon a spiritual practice, dedicate yourself to a humanitarian calling, commit your life to the service of others? Have you ever wanted to be a mother, a doctor, an advocate for the weak and helpless; to run for office, crusade for the planet, campaign for world peace or to preserve the environment? Late at night have you experienced a vision of the person you might become, the work you could accomplish, the realized being you were meant to be? Are you a writer who doesn’t write, a painter who doesn’t paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture? Then you know what Resistance is…
Why the Internet Sales Tax is a Bad Idea

Last week, the US Senate passed the Marketplace Fairness Act, otherwise known as the Internet Sales Tax. While the odds are against its passage in the House, it does have some bipartisan support. Opinions are wildly divergent on the bill, but I for one think the internet sales tax is a bad idea and a bad law…
Why I Quit My Job: A Club Thrifty Confessional

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.I have an announcement to make…and it’s a doozy. At the beginning of April, I quit my job. I walked away from my super stable and well-paid 9-5 job and leaped toward the unknown. I put in 2-weeks notice but agreed to work until the end of the month…and now its done!
Why Did I Quit My Job?
A few months ago, I wrote about how I was a workaholic…
15 Stupid Questions Not to Ask During a Job Interview

Photo: Pulpolux!!!
It’s easy to commit a faux pas at a job interview. You’re nervous and tense, so you make mistakes. But the more prepared you are when you go in, the less likely you are to do something stupid – like ask a question that will shoot down your chances of being hired.
Wondering what questions you should avoid? Here are 15 questions best asked, if at all, after you get the offer:
Girl, Your Man’s Making You Broke: AKA Scrub Alert
Ever have a, “friend” cough cough, who’s significant other is a real user? You know, a first class, “scrub”? If you haven’t had this experience (good for you, keep doing what you’re doing), but if you have, here are some of the tell tale warning signs you snagged yourself a deadbeat…
The Winds Of Debt Only Blow In One Direction

A windy day was in the forecast with gusts up to 40mph. I didn’t care, I was going for my run. The wind smacked me in the face almost immediately as I started off down the street. I tucked my head down, turned the volume up on my iPod, and cut through the wind for the first half of my run…
Is Our Student Loan Debt Killing the Economy?

Money and Morality – How Much is Yours Worth?

Things I Would Never Do: The 97 Month Car Loan
5 Types of Important Insurance for Parents and Children

What My Mom Has Taught Me

Being that yesterday was Mother’s Day, I thought I’d write an article about how influential my mom has been in my life. Now, if I were to name everything she’s taught me, we’d all be here awhile, so I’ll just touch on a few of the major personal finance and business tips that I’ve picked up from her…
Blog Roundup #13
Guest Post for Cordelia Calls it Quits
Should Parents Pay for College?

There are many parent debating whether or not they should pay for college for their children. For us, we’re a bit divided. My husband and I want to have a bit of money to help out with college, but we don’t want to give an unlimited line of credit.
We’ve discussed this before as well…
Safeway (SWY) Dividend Stock Analysis

St. Thomas and $3,038 in Extra Income

A couple of you have asked me to do a full St…
Take Time To Study Financial Statements Before Investing
Is Diversification Really That Great?