Being Frugal Without Giving Up Your Social Life
Whenever I write a frugality post, I get comments asking some version of, “That’s fine if you’re happy being a hermit in your cheap apartment, but what about people who have friends?” (See also: Not Driving Your Less Frugal Friends Crazy)
I think there are three general strategies for dealing with the issues around having a social life while still being frugal…
The Average Net Worth For The Above Average Married Couple
StudioTax Tax Software Review

JW February 2013 Net Worth

Citi Simplicity vs. Clear from American Express

Google Glass Already Being Banned In Some Places

What’s in My RRSP?
Over the years, I’ve disclosed a lot of information about my financial life including:
how much we make,
how much we spend,
our net worth,
and the contents of our leveraged dividend portfolio.
With the RRSP line item in my net worth updates becoming more significant, I’ve been getting more questions about the contents of my RRSP…
Retire By 40’s New Promo Video and Newsletter

I hope everyone remembered to set the clock to spring forward. I don’t like losing an hour of sleep, but I always love springing forward. It means we are getting more and more daylight and we’ll have nicer weather soon. Anyway, today we are unveiling our new Retire By 40 Promo Video…
Minimalist parenting: The frugal choice
Some Hidden Charges and How to Stop Them

How to Make Your Money Last Through Retirement

You’ve built up your nest egg, and your retirement is set just as you’re leaving the work force. But what are you planning to do with that egg? You’ve sat on it for years now; do you simply crack it open and see what spills out?
You spent your entire career working and stashing dollars, because Social Security isn’t enough to support your quality of life after retirement…
Making Sense of Education Tax Credits and Deductions

One of the many maddeningly complicated decisions facing taxpayers is how to claim a deduction or credit for tuition payments made last year. Here is the breakdown of the available options:
Survey Says: Reader Survey Results are In

Thank you!
That’s a strong sample size. And the insights gained were priceless.
You can check out the full results here.
What I want to do in this post is recap some of the results that stood out to me, and how it will shape some of the focus here, going forward…
$500 Cash Giveaway – Save Money this Spring through Planning Ahead

Spring means many things: melting snow, rising temperatures, and Summer just around the corner. Here at Young Adult Money it means time for another $500 cash giveaway!
My best money saving tip for you this Spring is rather simple: Plan Ahead
Planning ahead can result in cash savings in many different ways…
The $200 Visa Gift Card Giveaway! Thx RetailMeNot!

What up what up! We haven’t done a proper giveaway here in quite some time lately, so today we change that with a $200 Visa Gift Card giveaway courtesy of my sexy friends at! They recently launched their new lifestyle magazine, The Real Deal, and so far it’s pretty dope.
So start thinking about what you’d do if you won that money! Perhaps a nice long shopping spree?? Pick up some presents? Pay off your bills?? (The financially prudent choice, of course, but we all need some splurge breaks every now and then too ;))…
How to Be a Good Manager – Common Qualities & Characteristics
FMF March Money Madness, Round 1, Posts 53-56
How a Small Salary Can Help You Avoid Debt

This is what I believed for many years. I didn’t have a lot of money for a long time.
I worked my butt off to pay for college on my own while I was earning minimum wage and paying thousands to get my college degree…
Some Thoughts on Interest-Free Debt
“I have an offer from a credit card company in which they pledge 0% interest for 15 months on a balance transfer. The way they seem to do that balance transfer is that I give them an amount and they send me a check which I then use to pay off a credit card. I don’t carry any other credit card balances so I am thinking about just asking for a check for say $2,000 and then investing it and then paying it back at the end of the fifteen months and just pocket the return…
How to Save on Banking Fees