My Worst Customer Service Experience Ever
Live Without Money. Could you Do It?
Weekly Roundup: Transportation, Giveaways and Volunteering
Happy Friday Dinks. We are now into April and you know what they say “April showers bring May flowers”. I don’t mind the rain because it’s better than snow. I actually like the rain, it’s almost as if it washes everything away and we can look forward to a new beginning – biblical I know, but that’s how I feel…
Could You Live on Minimum Wage?
SPENT was created in 2011 by the Urban Ministries of Durham to paint a picture of life at the bottom of the wage scale…
One Woman’s Trash Is Another Woman’s Treasure
Book Review – 30-Second Economics
Five Ways to Get Car Loan With Bad Credit & No Money Down
I Just Wrote a Check for $8,700
Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Yep, you read that right. I just wrote a check for $8,700….and it hurt….a little. Luckily, it wasn’t for a used Ford Focus or a set of breast implants. The check I wrote was toward our mortgage, and I think it is the biggest payment we have ever made…
How Long Should Your Life Insurance Term Be?
Photo: SalFalko
If you’re shopping for term life insurance, two important considerations are how much coverage you need and how long your term should be. While many people folks on the amount of coverage, the length of the policy is an incredibly important factor. After all, the term part is the reason you’re getting term rather than permanent life insurance…
How to Stay Motivated
Motivation… this can be one of the toughest things to get back once you’ve lost it. You can be motivated (or not motivated) to do pretty much anything, but this article will discuss how you can stay motivated when it comes to sticking to a budget and paying down debt.
Budgets and paying down debt are generally not very fun…
Frugal Friday: Missing From a Wal-Mart Near You Edition
Feeling Good Friday: I’m Gaining Steam
Couponing Like A Pro
Have you ever seen any of those “crazy” couponing TV shows? Do you have a friend that coupons religiously? I have a coworker who does and when you listen to him talk, you walk away surprised by how passionate someone can be about it. Coupons and discounting motivates people, especially when they’re facing financial hardship…
Top Personal Finance Articles #8
First, I moved this site over to my new VPS hosting. I personally think it loads far faster, but I will wait a few days and see what Google thinks in my analytics account. Next thing on the blog agenda is potentially changing my theme to one that loads a bit faster. My wife and I both recently started new blogs and so we also purchased the pro pack of genesis themes, so we have plenty of great themes to choose from…
7 Tips To Succeed As A Day-Job Entrepreneur
I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 4/4
Portfolio Status: April 2013
Under the portfolio tab above is where I am keeping a more or less current list of my positions. The below is where my portfolio stands as of April 1, 2013.
2013 Portfolio Value as of:
January 1st: $91,567…
Having Cash Reserves Pays Off When You Find Sick Deals
Opportunities can present themselves at not so opportune times. If you don’t have the means to take advantage of an opportunity you could hurt yourself by trying to take advantage and incurring debt to do so. If you go into debt trying to save some money it will very likely defeat the purpose…