Best Quotes Of The Month

In a new monthly segment, I’ll be bringing you my favorite quotes of the month – click through to check them out.
I hope you find them as inspiring and I have!
Be Well,
Click to view PickTheBrain Quotes, Volume V on GLOSSI.COM
The post Best Quotes Of The Month appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement…
Three Seldom Used But Highly Effective Coping Skills

Multiple loss experiences pervade every life. They demand an inordinate amount of time and emotional energy in order to cope with the massive changes imposed. Yet, there are many well-known strategies to deal with the pain of loss ranging from expressing emotion and searching for meaning to keeping a journal and joining a support group…
Facing The Thing That Scares You the Most

Photo by martinak15
By Kavetha Sundaramoorthy
Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing ~ Unknown
What about yourself makes you feel so ashamed, so scared, that you would go to any length to hide it?
The one thing that you think you’ve succeed in forgetting, until it returns to haunt you again in some unsuspecting moment…
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