Eliminating Debt Creates Self Confidence
– doablefinance.com
Depending on what economic experts you read, the economic situation of the United States seems to be getting better, albeit slowly but we see some improvement. Unemployment even though still quite high but most months it is on a downward path. I guess the country as a nation has started to believe in the old …
I Love You Like A Blogger Roundup – 04/12
– www.enemyofdebt.com/
This weekend we will celebrate my daughter Tori’s 11th birthday. I can easily see the bits of personality she has inherited from her mother and I. She has her mother’s dramatic flair, compassion for others, as well as her strong will (otherwise known as stubbornness). She gets her work ethic and sense of humor from me…
Have Student Loans? Welcome to the $1 Trillion Club!
– moneylifeandmore.com

The amount of student loan debt in America is staggering. Last year it passed the $1 trillion mark, making student loan debt the second largest form of consumer-held debt in America. It’s beat only by mortgages…
How Can You Still Have Student Loans at Age 40?
– eyesonthedollar.com

Start Late
My husband didn’t decide to become a teacher until he had one failed attempt at college and several different jobs…
Girl Meets Debt Repayment
– makingsenseofcents.com

I asked readers and friends to submit guest posts regarding anything relating to their debt…
What are Some of the Ways to Help an Emotional Spender?
– Financialblacksheep.com
I received a reader inquiry about an emotional spender. I try not to label spending problems, since I feel there are so many different intricacies involved in spending problems. I am leaning more towards emotional spending on this one, but … Continue reading →The post What are Some of the Ways to Help an Emotional Spender? appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
Frugal Friday: Taking Aim at Cable Companies
– frugalrules.com
Happy Friday everyone! I was reading an article that I found on the Washington Post earlier this week and wanted to pass along some of the info. to my readers. The article is related to the costs associated with having either Cable TV or Satellite TV. My desire is to not start a debate on the sense of paying for cable TV as it can be divisive in the PF blogosphere…
14 Ways to Be Fearless
– weonlydothisonce.com
I wrote a guest post on Lifehack called “14 Ways to Be Fearless“. Brian Lee has put together a very comprehensive site dedicated to helping people with just about anything life throws at us. It is a great honor for me to have been chosen to be a contributor. Please feel free to comment on the post and share it on your favorite social media sites!
Why I Don’t Care About Trying to Minimize My Tax Return
– edwardantrobus.com

Taxes are due in just 3 days. The PF blogosphere has been a steady stream of tax advice for months. And probably the most common piece of advice: if you are receiving a tax refund this year, then you are a schmuck who is giving money away to the government. Instead, they say, you should try to make your tax return as close to zero as possible…
Weekly roundup: discounts, taxes and looking good
– dinksfinance.com

Happy Friday Dinks. The world recently lost the famous movie critic Roger Ebert. As you know I absolutely love movies, I love watching them at my home, I l watching them at the movie theatre and I love snacking on popcorn.
A standing movie date with my best friends includes dinner and movie at least once a week…
How to Calculate and Pay Quarterly Self-Employment Taxes
– doughroller.net

If you’ll have self-employment income this year – either from a small business with employees, a sole proprietorship, or even just contract work you do alongside your full-time job – you’ll probably need to pay quarterly self-employment taxes this year.
As an employee, this isn’t something you have to worry about…
A Primer on Margin Accounts
– myfijourney.com

Recently, I got my brokerage account upgraded to a margin account. So I though that this would be a good time to talk about what margin accounts are, how they work, and some of the benefits and risks involved. I also wanted to discuss my thoughts on how to get the most out of a margin account.
What Is Margin?
Margin is basically nothing more than a loan from your broker…
Job Tips from The Walking Dead
– ayoungpro.com

My lunchtime walk down Success Lane
– johnnymoneyseed.com

During our hour long lunch period while most of the other class attendees were out eating at Ruby Tuesday, I stayed behind and went for a walk instead…
Welcome to Planwise…plus the VIP Club Roundup
– clubthrifty.com

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Hey peeps! Welcome back to Club Thrifty.
We have been super busy here trying to bring you the awesome sauce each and every day, and we have a few exciting events that of which we’d like to make you aware…
Feeling Good Friday: Getting Over A Cold
– debtroundup.com

Top Personal Finance Articles #9
– monsterpiggybank.com

Roger’s Rants: Switch to the Metric System, Already!
– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/
This article represents the first one where I take a step away from a strict personal finance issue to wail, rave, and generally, well, rant about subjects that are close to my heart. They will likely have some application to the world of money, as it usually doesn’t take too much effort to connect to money in some manner, but don’t expect them to be money related, for the most part…