Brand Reputation And Why All PR Actually Is Good PR (Unless You’re Already Famous)

How to Make Your Ebook Marketing Campaign *Almost* Perfect

(Image source)
Sometimes I respond to marketing campaigns just to see how they’re put together. Perhaps there’s something in the subject line that makes me sit up and take notice. Perhaps it’s an unusual offer.
But whatever it is, it builds enough curiosity to get me to click all the way through…
Tips From a Reporter on Great PR Writing

How to Use Content to Generate Referrals

photo credit: Hubert Burda Media via photopin cc
I’ve been pushing anyone that would listen to create boatloads of high quality, educational content…
The State Of Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web design has been around for some years now, and it was a hot topic in 2012. Many well-known people such as Brad Frost and Luke Wroblewski have a lot of experience with it and have helped us make huge improvements in the field. But there’s still a whole lot to do.
In this article, we will look at what is currently possible, what will be possible in the future using what are not yet standardized properties (such as CSS Level 4 and HTML5 APIS), and what still needs to be improved…
Infographic: How We Use Social Tools in the Workplace

Men are more likely than women to say these restrictions are due to security concerns, while women are more likely to blame productivity loss…
SocialBro: Visualize and Grow Your Business Twitter Community

Candidio: Cost Effective Video Editing

The Social Media Fog is Rolling In

Reporting Is the #2 Biggest Time Sink for PPC Managers – Is There a Better Way?

How We Spend Our Time on Our Smartphones

It’s best now to learn how people are using these phones because as marketers we can’t do much without the understanding of exactly where people are and, more importantly, why they are there.
Experian Marketing Services takes a look at smartphone use in a recent study…
Managing A Social Media Marketing Team
Do the research. Interpret it. Make the decision. Take action!

Here’s a very quick tip, to help you turn your feedback or research, into results.
I want to start by asking you a question: What role does research play in your business? I find that many small business owners will make big decisions, without doing any form of structured research. Others will do enormous amounts of research, yet fail to interpret the data and then act on it…
The 5 Social Media Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares About

Aside from his outstanding taste in headwear, Brian is also known around HubSpot for his unwavering vision of what it will take to build HubSpot into a once-in-a-generation company.
He’s also a data guy. An MIT alum and lecturer, Brian knows how to separate useful data from vanity metrics, and he’s quick to let you know what truly counts as an indicator of how our company is faring at delivering on its promise…