Do the research. Interpret it. Make the decision. Take action! + MORE

Do the research. Interpret it. Make the decision. Take action! + MORE

Brand Reputation And Why All PR Actually Is Good PR (Unless You’re Already Famous)Lots of people who don’t work in public relations will tell you that “all PR is good PR.” In other words, if people are talking about you – it doesn’t matter what they are saying. Then there are those who are in the profession who will usually tell you the exact opposite … that PR can be positive or negative and you need to focus on improving your reputation above all else…

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How to Make Your Ebook Marketing Campaign *Almost* Perfect
(Image source)
Sometimes I respond to marketing campaigns just to see how they’re put together. Perhaps there’s something in the subject line that makes me sit up and take notice. Perhaps it’s an unusual offer.
But whatever it is, it builds enough curiosity to get me to click all the way through…

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Tips From a Reporter on Great PR Writing


We’ve been doing a lot of writing in PR News lately on great PR writing and as I was reflecting on this very intricate craft—a form of writing that requires immense skill—I thought it might be useful to reflect on what a journalist looks for in PR writing—not just press releases, but also corporate letters, […

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B2B Content Marketing Tactics: Pros, Cons & Best Practices of Case StudiesWithin the realm of B2B marketing, stories, not “features and benefits” allow brands to create relevant and engaging connections with prospective customers. Successful digital marketers use a variety of content marketing tactics to tell stories according to the goals of both brand and customer…

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How to Use Content to Generate Referrals


How to Use Content to Generate ReferralsYou do good work and people want to refer you. That’s the truth, but, hey, we’re all busy and sometimes we need a nudge, a reminder or even a tangible way to easily make referrals that make sense.
photo credit: Hubert Burda Media via photopin cc
I’ve been pushing anyone that would listen to create boatloads of high quality, educational content…

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The State Of Responsive Web Design


The State Of Responsive Web Design


Responsive Web design has been around for some years now, and it was a hot topic in 2012. Many well-known people such as Brad Frost and Luke Wroblewski have a lot of experience with it and have helped us make huge improvements in the field. But there’s still a whole lot to do.
In this article, we will look at what is currently possible, what will be possible in the future using what are not yet standardized properties (such as CSS Level 4 and HTML5 APIS), and what still needs to be improved…

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Infographic: How We Use Social Tools in the WorkplaceIn a study from Microsoft on Social Tools Usage and Perceptions in the Enterprise, it appears that they’ve uncovered yet more evidence that women are much smarter than men.
Men are more likely than women to say these restrictions are due to security concerns, while women are more likely to blame productivity loss…

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SocialBro: Visualize and Grow Your Business Twitter CommunitySocialBro is a tool to manage and analyze your Twitter community. With SocialBro you will be able to learn more about your community thanks to different search criteria, visualizations and filters that can be applied to your followers and friends. SocialBro’s technology allows you to download all your community locally and browse them even if you are offline…

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Candidio: Cost Effective Video Editing


Candidio: Cost Effective Video EditingOnline video is becoming one of the most popular forms of content on the Internet and an important part of any content marketing plan. For example, 70% of B2B marketers surveyed are now creating videos for content marketing, up from 58% in 2011 and 52 percent of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions…

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The Social Media Fog is Rolling In


The Social Media Fog is Rolling InWell, we are definitely in the midst of the rise of social media…  It is no longer a fad.  It is no longer weird.  It is no longer just your kids on there.  The stodgy leadership of your gigantic company knows that social media can’t be ignored anymore.  The budgets are not only there to be spent, but are actually starting to swell…

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Reporting Is the #2 Biggest Time Sink for PPC Managers – Is There a Better Way?Over the past six months or so, I’ve been conducting an informal survey before all of my PPC webinars. I ask attendees to tell me how much time they spend doing PPC every week, as well as which task is the biggest time sink in PPC management. For the first question, answers vary from less than a week up to 40 hours a week…

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How We Spend Our Time on Our SmartphonesWe get it already. A lot of people have smartphones. Congratulations.
It’s best now to learn how people are using these phones because as marketers we can’t do much without the understanding of exactly where people are and, more importantly, why they are there.
Experian Marketing Services takes a look at smartphone use in a recent study…

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The surgeon leans over the patient, whose abdomen has been surgically opened. “Forceps,” the doctor barks. The nurse hands the doctor a stainless steel instrument. Again the doctor demands, “scalpel!”  The nurse dutifully hands the doctor the necessary tool. We’ve all seen the drill in countless…

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Do the research. Interpret it. Make the decision. Take action!
Here’s a very quick tip, to help you turn your feedback or research, into results.
I want to start by asking you a question: What role does research play in your business? I find that many small business owners will make big decisions, without doing any form of structured research. Others will do enormous amounts of research, yet fail to interpret the data and then act on it…

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The 5 Social Media Metrics Your CEO Actually Cares AboutThis is Brian, our CEO.  
Aside from his outstanding taste in headwear, Brian is also known around HubSpot for his unwavering vision of what it will take to build HubSpot into a once-in-a-generation company.
He’s also a data guy. An MIT alum and lecturer, Brian knows how to separate useful data from vanity metrics, and he’s quick to let you know what truly counts as an indicator of how our company is faring at delivering on its promise…

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