Begin As You Mean To Go: The Letter of Intent

Nothing perturbs a transactional attorney more than when a client delivers a letter of intent and a draft contract that bear little to no resemblance to one another. Though letters of intent are non-binding in most jurisdictions, parties who rush headstrong into signing a letter of intent (LOI) miss a critical opportunity to work out key legal terms in addition to those terms that include a dollar sign…
The Biggest Mortgage Mistake Consumers Make

Despite the technical rigors of qualifying for a loan today, there is something more ominous lurking in all mortgage applications that most consumers wouldn’t think twice about. Specifically, we’re talking about the eligible funds for the mortgage transaction…
Rising Costs and Tight Credit Slow New Construction

The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) showed a slight dip for January, 2013. The results issued today showed the HMI index slipped 4 points from 51 (optimistic territory) to 47 (negative territory) as increased costs for raw materials and land started hitting the bottom line and the old nemesis, tight credit lending standards, started affecting approvals for new construction…
Dig This Trend: Steamy Hot Tubs

With lush planting beds and swaying palms, this hot tub is designed for weekend escapism…
My Books Are Here!
I’m thrilled to announce the release of two books I’ve been working on for much of the past year:
How to Buy, Rehab, and Resell Residential Properties
The Investor’s Guide to Defining Your Renovation Plan, Building Your Budget, and Knowing Exactly How Much It All Costs
I started this website 5 years ago, with the goal of tracking my foray into real estate investing and keeping me accountable for taking action and making progress with my real estate business…
The 21 Greatest Moments in Toilet History

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Have you ever thought about your toilet? I mean, outside of knowing it’s there for all your business needs. You probably haven’t—and that’s a shame. Toilets might not fascinate you, but you should know a little bit about them. Seriously. The idea of sanitation—and, by extension, water closets—changed the face of human history…