My New Non-Spending Tracker!
One was an oil painting with a pretty kick-ass frame (alone was worth the $20 price tag), and the other a hand-painted side table from Peru that had all kinds of awesome designs on it…
Do You Share Your Salary with Others?
When I was coming up through the business ranks, sharing salaries was taboo. I’m not sure why (was it none of their business? was it companies not wanting workers to compare? something else?), but it was…
Is It Stupid to Borrow Money?
When Do You Like to Splurge?

While you don’t want to splurge constantly, it can be beneficial to you to splurge every now and then.
What is a Splurge?
There are many different ways to look at a splurge. In general, though, a splurge is something somewhat unexpected that you are willing to pay extra for…
How We Brainwash Ourselves Into Brand Loyalty
The great Irish writer and satirist Jonathan Swift once wrote: “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of thing he was never reasoned into.”
All of us have encountered individuals who are stubbornly and irrevocably committed to a belief that is, according to us, just plain wrong, not to mention illogical…

Across the nation, home sales are up from last year, according to the National Association of Realtors.
With Spring here, interest rates still low, and all the buzz about real estate coming back, you may be interested in selling your house…
Learn to get Uncomfortable to Save Money

We don’t need to farm or sew our own clothes in order to survive a cold winter…
Few Cost Effective Ways for Cooling your Home

We are beating the heat with fan
I was born and brought up in India and we grew up without AC…
Exploring a New Town

The Retirement Gamble: Why Low-Cost Indexing Reduces your Risk

Frontline’s 52-minute documentary, The Retirement Gamble has been getting a lot of press lately – at least in personal finance circles – so it was on my to-do list to watch, learn, and critique…
Ads Hide Secret Messages That Only Kids Can See

6 Ways to Save Money on your Disney World Vacation
The Great Gatsby Backlash

How to Make Productive Use of your Free Time – Part One

I’m obsessed with making productive use of my time, almost to a fault. While there are some other people out there like me who always feel like they need to make productive and efficient use of their “free” time, others don’t feel as compelled…
Should You Use Your 401k Money to Pay Off Your Credit Card?
I cringe anytime someone asks me this question. Don’t do it.
If you need a couple of other options, watch the video or read below.
Whatever you do, don’t use your 401k money to pay off your credit cards…
Job Application Tools to Help Manage Your Job Search

In order to keep it all organized, it makes sense to use apps to help you manage your job search…
Decrease your budget’s bite by saving money on meat
12 Work-from-Home Plans That Actually Work

Are you sick of work-from-home scams? Do you really want to earn some extra cash?
People have been trying to work from home for years. Yet with so many online scams, it’s hard to know which are truly legitimate.
There are ads in newspapers and magazines offering you opportunities to make money by forwarding emails…
Personal Finance “Experiences” for Older Kids
The problem is that personal finance isn’t often directly relatable to their life. Quite often, parents and teachers rely on lectures and discussions to get the ideas across, but experiences are the things that many older children and teenagers really connect with…
How to Make Money Online Selling Your T-Shirt Designs
Are you a creative soul whose cup runneth over with ideas? If you are, you’ll be pleased to learn that you can make money online selling your design ideas for t-shirts, and even more items, online. There are a number of different websites you can go through to make extra money with your designes…