9 Easy Ways To Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
– doablefinance.com
Car insurance can be the most expensive aspect to owning a car… But did you know there are some really easy ways to cut the cost of your premium? Check these 9 simple, mostly cost-free tips out… Don’t get caught in an insurance trap! This one’s very simple… Before buying a new car, check how …
3 Tips to Handle Marrying into Student Loan Debt
– studentdebtsurvivor.com
This post was written by Jana Lynch, founder of the Bloggers Helping Bloggers Mentoring program and owner of the personal finance blog Daily Money Shot, where she talks about money, life, parenting, and makes obscure pop culture references. You can also stop by and say hi on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest…
Find the Bright Side And Watch Your Life Satisfaction Improve
– biblemoneymatters.com
Practicing an attitude of gratitude can help you in all walks of your life–financial, career, marriage–just to name a few. Why not try it today?
After 13 years we finally opened a joint bank account
– dinksfinance.com
Good morning Dinks. I know, I can’t believe it either. After 13 years my boyfriend Nick and I decided to open a joint bank account. Surprisingly it’s not that big of a deal, although it’s only be a few days.
We didn’t close our own bank accounts, the joint account is kind of a trial run to see how managing our money together goes, and if it all goes well maybe our new joint bank account will become a permanent fixture in our relationship…
A Tornado and $888 in Extra Income
– makingsenseofcents.com
This is a house just down the street from us. Photo from Post Dispatch
Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This past week was okay, and that is because of the wild weather that we have been having in Missouri lately. There was a tornado in my city on Wednesday and it actually landed in our neighborhood. There are also reports that there was a SECOND tornado that landed on the opposite end of my neighborhood at the same time…
Hey everyone! Happy Monday. This past week was okay, and that is because of the wild weather that we have been having in Missouri lately. There was a tornado in my city on Wednesday and it actually landed in our neighborhood. There are also reports that there was a SECOND tornado that landed on the opposite end of my neighborhood at the same time…
Update: I am Not an Apprentice
– Financialblacksheep.com
No, I am not an apprentice to become a chef. I actually sent out my official letter to decline the whole process on Friday. Per my application, I had to send a written letter declining, so I sent an official … Continue reading →The post Update: I am Not an Apprentice appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…
How Getting to Work Costs Money
– monsterpiggybank.com
I don’t know about you, but I normally try to avoid paying tolls whenever I am driving anywhere. The only exception I make is if there is going to be a significant time saving by doing so. So recently my wife and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and to get to the restaurant that we had selected the most obvious route was to cross a toll bridge…
Helping Tenants Understand The Benefits of Having Renter’s Insurance
– debtroundup.com
This is a guest article by Bryan from Gajizmo.com. If you are interested in contributing to Debt RoundUp, please follow our guidelines. This is a long post folks, so sit back and enjoy.
Only a third of all tenants have some kind of insurance to protect themselves from calamity in case their possessions go up in smoke, they’re flooded out when it rains, their children burn down the house while playing with matches, or they are a victim of burglary…
Only a third of all tenants have some kind of insurance to protect themselves from calamity in case their possessions go up in smoke, they’re flooded out when it rains, their children burn down the house while playing with matches, or they are a victim of burglary…
Would your rather work 1920 hours per year or 8?
– johnnymoneyseed.com
Preface by J. L. Moneyseed: When I thought to myself, “if I could have any other Financial Independence blogger do a guest post for my site, who would it be?” I really didn’t have to look very far, as I had been chatting it up with Mr. 1500 on Twitter for the past month or two now…
How Much Would You Pay For A Child’s Birthday Party?
– www.enemyofdebt.com/
A few years ago, I put together my daughter’s 8th birthday party for under $35. Her 11th birthday, which we celebrated over the weekend, was a different story. There’s a huge difference between the two ages, and we’re dealing with an entirely different set of rules.
The suggestion of playing games for prizes now results in the newly perfected pre-teen eye roll…
The suggestion of playing games for prizes now results in the newly perfected pre-teen eye roll…
The Downside to Urgent Care
– edwardantrobus.com
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Over the past year, I’ve read a few blog posts on other blogs about Urgent Care. Urgent Care is like “emergency room”-light. It is for seeking medical treatments that can’t wait for an appointment with your regular doctor, but not life-threatening to require going to the ER…
Over the past year, I’ve read a few blog posts on other blogs about Urgent Care. Urgent Care is like “emergency room”-light. It is for seeking medical treatments that can’t wait for an appointment with your regular doctor, but not life-threatening to require going to the ER…
12 Goodies for Tax Day 2013
– theamateurfinancier.com/blog/
It’s April 15th, and here in the United States, that means one thing: Tax Day! Yes, that fun and excitement has come upon us once again. I’m sure, though, that the smart, forward-thinking, and generally awesome people who read my blog have not only completed their taxes already, but have started to prepare for next year’s taxes…
One of the Worst Feelings in the World…
– frugalrules.com
After you read today’s post, make sure to head over to The College Investor to read my first staff post – JC Penney Stock: What to do When Your Stock Goes South.
We all have things in our lives that we’d rather soon forget. Whether it be the death of a loved one, losing a job, or being under what feels like a mountain of debt, none of them are terribly fun and have their own set of unique crappy circumstances…
We all have things in our lives that we’d rather soon forget. Whether it be the death of a loved one, losing a job, or being under what feels like a mountain of debt, none of them are terribly fun and have their own set of unique crappy circumstances…
Corporate Politics
– savvyfinanciallatina.com/#&panel1-
It’s been almost a year since I started working at my company. It’s definitely not the experience I was expecting. Maybe I had too much of a rosy picture of the corporate world? Beh..I don’t think I did. I knew I would have to deal with politics, it would take a while for me to get accustomed to the working environment, and time to get to know everybody…
The Best Credit Cards for Your Credit Score
– doughroller.net
“How do I know which credit card to apply for?”
The question above is, by far, one of the most common questions I get from people looking to apply for a credit card. Many people have an idea of what their credit score is, but may not know it exactly. Even if some people have a ballpark estimate of what their credit score may be, they are often nervous to apply for a certain card because they believe their score to be somewhat on the borderline of what the card requires…
The question above is, by far, one of the most common questions I get from people looking to apply for a credit card. Many people have an idea of what their credit score is, but may not know it exactly. Even if some people have a ballpark estimate of what their credit score may be, they are often nervous to apply for a certain card because they believe their score to be somewhat on the borderline of what the card requires…
Air Products and Chemicals (APD) Dividend Stock Analysis
– myfijourney.com
Air Products and Chemicals (APD) is one the largest global producers of industrial gasses and has a large specialty chemical industry as well. APD has a global reach with 57.2% of its sales coming from foreign sources. The company is divided into 4 main business units. 1) Merchant Gases which includes gases used in a variety of industries including health care, food processing, steel, and manufacturing accounts for 38…
Debt Pay Off Update – April 2013
– moneylifeandmore.com
If you’re new to Money Life and More, in December 2012 we decided it was time to open up to you, my readers, and shared our very first debt update.
I originally wrote Our Debt Pay Down Strategy to explain where my fiancee and I are in terms of debt. Currently we only owe for her student loans, the townhouse mortgage and our single family home mortgage…
I originally wrote Our Debt Pay Down Strategy to explain where my fiancee and I are in terms of debt. Currently we only owe for her student loans, the townhouse mortgage and our single family home mortgage…
Harness the Power of Everyday Spending to Pay Down Your Student Loans
– clubthrifty.com
Harness the Power of Everyday Spending to Pay Down Your Student Loans
Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.There has recently been a lot of talk about the increasing cost of a college education. According to Forbes, there is now over $1 trillion in outstanding student loan debt in the United States…
Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.There has recently been a lot of talk about the increasing cost of a college education. According to Forbes, there is now over $1 trillion in outstanding student loan debt in the United States…
Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step 4: Invest 15% of Your Income into Retirement
– commoncentswealth.com
Now that you have no debt (besides possibly a mortgage) and a fully-funded emergency fund you’re ready to start building wealth. This next step will get you well on your way. In baby step 4, Dave Ramsey suggests you invest 15% of your income into retirement accounts. This can be a 401k, IRA, or any Roth account…
Changing Careers: Is it a Smart or Dumb Move?
– eyesonthedollar.com
Image: Freedigitalphotos.net/xedos4
A couple of weeks ago, we received the good news that my husband, Jim, had passed all of his tests and requirements to receive his second master’s degree in education administration. He has worked extremely hard to keep up with written and practical work while teaching 5th grade, volunteering for several committees at work, and being a Dad…
A couple of weeks ago, we received the good news that my husband, Jim, had passed all of his tests and requirements to receive his second master’s degree in education administration. He has worked extremely hard to keep up with written and practical work while teaching 5th grade, volunteering for several committees at work, and being a Dad…
Please Help to Save The Adoption Tax Credit Refund
– ayoungpro.com
My little girl, Mya BrookeSome of you may know about the fact that my wife and I adopted a baby girl in 2008. Unfortunately for us we are not able to have biological children, a fact that has been confirmed and reconfirmed by multiple tests and procedures. However, after adopting our sweet little girl and getting involved with the adoption community, we feel extremely blessed to be able to take part in adoption…