Week Dos Recap – I am fluent in Spanish, not really…

Wow a whole 2 weeks into personal finance blogging and I have to say I love doing it.  It has been a great journey thus far.  I am building some great friendships with the personal finance blogging community.  I have found the Yakezie Network great and everyone is very willing to help out.  I learned that with blogging or your spouse you have to give love to receive love.  I am out there sharing the love as much as I can with my fellow bloggers.  Here is it close to midnight preparing the post after a long day of blogging and...

I’m a baller – I own rental furnished apartment properties

Well I am not new to the rental property thing but I will tell you how it all started.  It all started a few years ago about rental properties when we were looking to move out of our furnished apartment for rental because our landlord was driving us crazy.  We were aggressively scouring Craigslist to find an apartment.  Well we found an apartment, ground level which means no stairs! We decided to grab it as soon as we saw it; we definitely thought the rent was well below market value.  Come to find out the gentleman was getting ready to put...

Payroll tax cut from the Government ?

So what does the payroll tax mean for you ?  Well for one thing it means a bigger paycheck on payroll, money that you can actually see when you open look on your stub. It came about in December 2010, when President Barack Obama worked along side his Republican colleagues to implement it to the dismay of some Democrats about payroll.  The tax cut reduced its tax and the Social Security withholding tax from 6.2% down to 4.2%.  This money is withheld from your pay check to pay for the Social Security programs.  If you would like to find out...

Who else loves Tax Season like fantasy football ?

What better way to spend Superbowl Sunday than doing my taxes?  Well that is what I did on Superbowl with fantasy football Sunday.  I am not much of a fan of fantasy football and I am not much of a gamer interested.  It seems as those 2 go hand in hand on Superbowl Sunday.  My wife and I usually get a big tax return due to my withholding philosophy.  I personally like the psychology of receiving a big pay back from Uncle Sam. This year we are receiving close to $3,000 back from the IRS and the state.  That is a...