Emergencies happen. During emergencies you might need cash and you might need it fast. But we’re not all blessed with a huge savings account we can dip into. If you need cash without resorting to donating blood or any of your body parts, this is the guide for you. Sell Your Stuff One option is to sell your stuff. Most people have something lying around the house they don’t need any longer. Now is the time to look into selling some of your items on eBay, Craigslist, and even as part of a yard sale. It’s not an inexhaustible supply...
Most beginners are eager to jump into the stock market and start trading. While, it may seem exciting and the desire to make money fast is very appealing, however, there is some basic information that’s required. First, beginner stock traders must understand the ebb and flow of the market, which helps to eliminate risky investing. Before tackling key issues of studying a company’s financials, beginners must take time to learn how to keep track of major market indices. These include the NASDAQ 100, the S & P 500, the Dow Jones Industrials and the NASDAQ composite. What many want is...
There are so many fun ways to spend money. With a smartphone and a $5000 credit limit, you can buy a diamond encrusted Bluetooth headset without ever having to get up from your bar stool. Wants and needs can be hard to tell apart, but it’s time to come down from the consumption-induced high and realize that you didn’t really need the gold plated staples or the Jedi bathrobe. Don’t succumb to feeling guilty. Shame about where your priorities were in the past isn’t going to help you now. Focus instead on changing your habits today. Here are a few...