Debt Free Story: How one couple achieved debt freedom for retirement

Today’s Debt Free Story comes to us from a reader in Iowa, who paid off her debt to make retirement a reality. I appreciate her taking the time to write her story and for allowing me to share it with you. How one couple became debt free to retire Tell us about yourself. I am 64 and my husband is 67. We live in Iowa. My husband has been retired for a little over a year. I am still working 3 days per week. How much debt did you have? We have always had mortgage debt until 2 years ago....

Debt Free Story: How this couple paid off their mortgage in 5 years

Today’s Debt Free Story comes from Sarah in the UK. Sarah blogs over where she writes about generosity, health, consuming less and achieving financial independence with a focus on “happy”! Who doesn’t want more happiness!? Take it away, Sarah. Tell us about yourself. I’m Sarah, I live in the UK with my husband we can proudly, finally say that we are homeowners!! We didn’t really start out with debt, but we did start by renting one of the cheapest homes we could find in our area. It was cheap for a reason; the single glazed sash windows had gaps in...

Debt Free Story: What it’s like to be debt free for 20 years

Today’s Debt Free Story comes to us from ESI Money. The ESI family has been debt free for 20  years, enabling them to retire early and live life on their terms! Their story, strategies and advice are priceless to those of us still working toward financial freedom. Without further ado, take it away, ESI! When we got married we both had debt. Between the two of us we had two mortgages, a car loan, and a bit of student loan debt (owed to my grandmother). It totaled $155,000. Neither one of us was in a hurry to pay it off...