Busy As a Bee!
– garygreenfield.com/blog.html

Yup…I know you’ve been there and done that, as they say. You’re flitting around from this to that and totally consumed by it all. Oh, if there were just more time to get things done! Wouldn’t that be great?
There’s probably a very good reason you’re feeling that way…
Coping With Change And Learning From Unwanted Change
– theselfimprovementblog.com/

So how do you accept change when it can seem so bad?
As disheartening as it may seem, the only true way I have found to accept a change that hurt was through time…
Wundermap for iPad Adds New Layers for Fires, Hurricanes, and More
– lifehacker.com

7 Fierce Ways to Get Motivated
– pickthebrain.com

Even after writing 8 Practical Ways to Get Motivated, I couldn’t resist sharing 7 more “fierce” ways to help you get motivated.
So what’re you waiting for? Get motivated now!
1. Discover the Resistance
What’s holding you back? Is it fear? Uncertainty? “What if” scenarios? Write this question down in your journal, “What’s holding me back?”, and then sit with it for a few moments…
The Napoleon Bonaparte Guide to Achieving Your Goals in Life
– dumblittleman.com

Who better to gain some lessons on achievement from than a man who commanded the entire French army by the time he was 26 years old?
Napoleon Bonaparte was an intelligent, ambitious and skilled military leader who conquered much of Europe during the early 19th century. At the age of 30, he engineered a coup d-etat in Paris and declared himself as Emperor of France a few years later…
Reducing Anxiety: The 5 Personal Philosophies That Changed My Life
– thechangeblog.com

Photo by Bryan Rosengrant
By Stephen Joseph
I think I left the house just a dozen times during my 5 consecutive years as an anxious recluse. This withdrawal from the world occurred during my twenties soon after I had finished college when I found myself at the mercy of multiple anxiety disorders.
Anxiety had been something I’d suffered from since childhood but the loss of the stable framework that education had provided left me suddenly adrift and directionless…
Carpe Diem: 7 Ways to Live Life Fully
– theboldlife.com

Last week, as I sat at a red light, I witnessed a motorcycle accident. On Wednesday afternoon, at 5:07 pm, a 23-year old male hit a pick up truck and forever changed his life.
He lost his leg and a whole lot of blood. He wasn’t wearing a helmet.
Immediately, help poured out from the coffee shop across the street…
Still Waiting to Propose… How Long is Too Long?
– oplife.org/