There can many reasons why you may want to check your credit score. Are you desperate to know your credit score just to build more credit? or You are planning to buy a home and want to make sure you will get a low-interest rate in your mortgage loan. Always choose a credit score site based on your requirement.
Here are the best credit score sites of 2019 that can help you know your accurate credit score and it’s relevant reports.
1. Credit Karma
Credit Karma is popular because of its win-win business model. With Credit Karma, you full access to your credit reports from major credit bureaus like TransUnion and Equifax. You can also opt for free weekly updates straight to your email inbox. Credit Karma analyses your profile and recommends your products and services that may benefit you. They get paid if you buy any of their recommended products or services.
2. Credit Sesame
With Credit Sesame, you get a free credit score, report card, and monitoring. Moreover, they also have provided some excellent charts to help you analyze and study your reports by visualizing the data. All the charts are dynamic; you can select specific parameters to generate the charts you want. With free credit monitoring and ID protection, you don’t have to worry about data safety.
3. AnnualCreditReport
If you are tired of credit score sites trying to sell you their products and services and just want to go straight to your credit report, AnnualCreditReport.com is the right site for you. To get your credit report, all you have do is enter your personal information and them select which credit report you want. You can select anyone from TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. That’s it. The site will generate your credit report in seconds.
4. WalletHub
Do you want an email update on your credit score every month for free? If you don’t like to generate a report every few days, you can opt for email updates from WalletHub. Don’t worry they won’t bombard your email inbox with unnecessary stuff. All you will see in your email is an easy-to-read credit score. However, if you go to their site for additional information on your credit reports, they may have ads and product recommendations for you. This is how they make money to remain in the business.
5. myFICO
For advanced users, myFICO is the best credit score site that provides in-depth and accurate information on your credit history. myFICO is a paid product and there is no free version available. It has three versions: Basic, Advanced and Premier. The basic version is good enough as it provides services like score simulator, identity theft insurance, and fraud resolution.
I would recommend you to check your credit score from myFICO to get an in-depth and accurate credit score. This is important if you are planning to make a big investment by borrowing money from the banks. But to stay updated, use any other free credit score sites. These sites update their database once or twice a month.