Banner Ads Are Back from the Dead: How Google Has Given Banner Ads New Life

How to stop your business becoming a ghost town

What turns a popular business or service into a ghost town and how can you avoid it happening to you?
The Internet gives us a powerful insight into how this happens. The online world is littered with websites and services, which were once popular and are now on life-support. Only last week we learned that Alta Vista, once the world’s leading search engine with millions of users, is to be shut down…
Twitter Starts Highlighting Websites That Embed Tweets

But Twitter gets it. And I think that’s why we’ve been seeing so much experimentation on their end over the past several months…
CityGrid Lays Off Most Of Staff, Vows To “Streamline”
CityGrid is IAC’s main local property (along with HomeAdvisor, the former ServiceMagic). IAC says CityGrid has 1.5 million local advertisers (most through third party partners), 15 million local business profiles and more than 350 web and mobile publisher and ad network partners. The division….
Usability Testing: 5 tips for augmenting A/B testing
At MECLABS, we approach marketing as a science, but even scientists can lose sight of testing to find answers and start behaving as if they already have them.
Our Peer Review Sessions are the most notorious moment for this to happen. We all come together in the hope of having an open discussion on the many possibilities of every test and often end up throwing out solutions instead of making sure we’re asking the right questions…
At MECLABS, we approach marketing as a science, but even scientists can lose sight of testing to find answers and start behaving as if they already have them.
Our Peer Review Sessions are the most notorious moment for this to happen. We all come together in the hope of having an open discussion on the many possibilities of every test and often end up throwing out solutions instead of making sure we’re asking the right questions…
Social Is the Problem, Not the Media

RIP Google Reader, External Keyword Tool is Next

Today Google has retired Google Reader joining a long list of other Google products that have been discontinued. See a full list by clicking the Wordstream infographic to the right.
The reason offered by Google: “usage of Google Reader has declined, and as a company we’re pouring all of our energy into fewer products…
The Googlification of Shopping (And What To Do About It)
I can count on one hand the number of times I personally have been grocery shopping in the last 10 years. It’s not that I am lazy or think it’s a woman’s job, but that my wife and I are incompatible in grocery stores. She likes to browse, saunter through the aisles, consider every possible coupon and price combination…
Remember AltaVista? Yahoo Pulls the Plug on the Once Popular Search Engine

The site was fast and its fingers could reach into the darkest corners of the Internet – corners we’d never be able to reach before…
Interview: Big Data Marketing Ain’t Just For Big Business Anymore

But after spending a lot of time with him at the conference, it became quite clear he’s a cut above the rest…
Paula Deen, J.Lo, Next Crisis: What is PR’s Role in a Hot Mess?
There are countless communications takeaways from the recent celebrity gaffes. Whether it’s Paula Deen dealing with allegations of being a racist and then dropped like a buttered sweet potato by every brand partner, or Jennifer Lopez singing “Happy Birthday” to Turkmenistan’s authoritarian ruler for his 56th birthday last Saturday night, one thing is for sure: […
Infographic: WordPress Safety and Security