Weekly Recap – July 19th, 2013
– commoncentswealth.com

I had another busy week at work, so I’m sorry if I’ve been slacking on the commenting a bit. We released our 2nd quarter earnings and everything went smoothly, so that’s always nice. My wife and I are going to relax again this weekend before we have stuff planned for the next 6 weekends after that…
I Love You Like a Blogger Roundup – 7/19
– www.enemyofdebt.com/
My son has his end of the season baseball tournament this weekend. I very much enjoy watching him play, so this is going to be a fun weekend. It seems odd to me that the season is over, and we’re barely past the midway point of July, but I think they do it this way to stagger the tournaments of the various age groups, and because football practices usually get into full swing in August…
How Much Money Should You Save?
– weonlydothisonce.com

Before I go any further, let me just say that it is impossible for anyone to give blanket financial advice that works for everyone…
Why I Love My New Smartphone
– eyesonthedollar.com

Getting Familiar with Chart Trader in NinjaTrader 7
– doablefinance.com
“NinjaTrader is a developer of trading software for the active trader – a complete end to end trading platform catering to discretionary and automated traders of futures, equities and forex markets.” – Traderslog.com For those of you that don’t know, NinjaTrader has taken the retail futures business by storm! NinjaTrader was founded in 2003 by …
Top Personal Finance Articles #23
– monsterpiggybank.com

In other less bloody news – I have taken sometime for myself lately away from the internet and blogging to watch the Ashes (Cricket for those of you who don’t know what it is)…
How 4 Months Could Have Cost Us Over $20,000
– moneylifeandmore.com

Loans and a Nurse’s Budget
– makingsenseofcents.com

I always like help readers out, but I am not expert/professional, so that’s why I always enjoy publishing my reader question posts.
As teachers would always say in school “if one person has a question, multiple people most likely are wondering the same…
Pet Insurance: A Tale of Two Dogs
– clubthrifty.com

Club Thrifty – Stop spending. Start living.Pablo and Hammie….Best Friends Forever
Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about pet insurance in the blogosphere. The stories generally fall into one of three categories; a) people think that pet insurance is a ridiculous idea, or b) people bought pet insurance and are glad they did, or b) people bought pet insurance hoping that it will be useful at some point during their pet’s lives…
Frugal Friday:Should We Expect This From an Employer?
– frugalrules.com
After you read today’s post, please head on over to the Tour de Personal Finance at My Personal Finance Journey and vote for “Time”. I am in the Final Four, so every vote is appreciated! Now on to the post…
Happy Friday everyone! It has been another hectic week in the Frugal Rules home. We’ve signed several more clients this week and work is keeping us busy…
Happy Friday everyone! It has been another hectic week in the Frugal Rules home. We’ve signed several more clients this week and work is keeping us busy…
Fly Smaller Airports to Save Hundreds
– edwardantrobus.com
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This September I will be attending my best friend’s wedding in Philadelphia. The only problem is that two round-trip tickets from Denver to Philadelphia cost more than I make in a week. So we set out to see if we could figure out a cheaper way to travel. And we did.
The traditional model of air travel has been travel between major hubs with connecting flights to smaller airports from the hubs…
This September I will be attending my best friend’s wedding in Philadelphia. The only problem is that two round-trip tickets from Denver to Philadelphia cost more than I make in a week. So we set out to see if we could figure out a cheaper way to travel. And we did.
The traditional model of air travel has been travel between major hubs with connecting flights to smaller airports from the hubs…
Debt-free? Don’t get complacent!
– johnnymoneyseed.com

Back To School Savings – Fill That Backpack For Less
– debtroundup.com

Weekly roundup: Summer fun, summer spending and South Jersey
– dinksfinance.com

Happy Friday Dinks. It’s summer time and I am loving it. Even though I am a reformed spend-a-holic I still find myself spending more money during the summer than I do during the winter. Is this the same for you?
There are so many more fun activities to do in the summer such as summer vacations, backyard barbeques, pool parties, weekend road trips and of course evenings on patios drinking with friends…
Good Customer Service = Loyal Customers
– studentdebtsurvivor.com
Several months back I was putting on my mask doing my makeup when I ran out of mascara. Because I’m a couponer, I have a pretty decent stockpile. OK, not really a stockpile, per se, because nobody needs a stockpile of mascara unless you’re Tammy Faye Baker (RIP) or a makeup artist. I’m neither, so basically I have a shoebox size rubbermaid container, filled with makeup that I’ve purchased at deep discounts with coupons…
Ditching Fifty Percent of my Household Items
– Financialblacksheep.com
I know it is a big goal, but I plan on ditching fifty percent of my things while moving into my new place. Most of it should have taken place while I was in Colorado, but I only had 2 … Continue reading →The post Ditching Fifty Percent of my Household Items appeared first on Financial Black Sheep…